#93 – Fan Questions 3

Today's sponsor is shrimp Envy.com. Not only as a retail customer can you go to shrimp Envy.com and use promo code. Acquirename guys at checkout for 10%. But if you're a store owner listening to this, you can get it's shrimp envy's entire line of quality locally produced foods, but you can get their entire line of also dry goods and botanicals wholesale directly to your store at low order minimums. Certainly inquire go to shrimpnv.com you'll see at the top button wholesale. It'll give you more information and again, easy minimums to give it a try and a sample package sent to your door. Certainly contact them at 541-740-4053 or shrimp Envy@comcast.net call for your sample. They'd love to have you give them a try. shrimp envy.com. It's only natural. Don't forget, we do shoutouts now. So if you want to have your local fish tour shouted out, certainly reach out to us at the aquariumgyspodcast.com. You'll find some information about our discord at the bottom of the website. But this week's local fish shout out is Dallas North Aquarium in carrollton, Texas. Certainly check them out at Dallasnorth aquarium.com. It actually looks to be a little bit bigger than most stores that we would feature. It shows that this store location is 14,000 square foot facility. Definitely check this crew out. Shout out, guys, and let's kick that podcast. Welcome to the aquarium, guys.
Speaker B:Podcast.
Speaker A:Hi again. It's nice seeing you.
Speaker B:Hi, Rob.
Speaker A:You smell delicious.
Speaker B:I am. I am delicious.
Speaker A:Today. We got Adam back.
Speaker B:Adam is back.
Speaker A:I'm your host, Rob Z olsen.
Speaker B:I'm Turd Ferguson.
Speaker A:Turd Ferguson.
Speaker B:Yeah. You just call me Turd the rest of the all right.
Speaker A:Turd Ferguson.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:And I'm head of film.
Speaker A:Adam, I have had monumental shit the last two episodes. People messaging me, saying that you're no longer going to be on the podcast. How dare we? All this other bs. And I'm so glad you're back. So I can finally block all those people on Facebook.
Speaker C:Well, I know people, and they were getting upset.
Speaker A:Really? They're getting very upset.
Speaker B:So if you tell your mother and your wife to quit calling in, it just really would take a lot of heat off of us.
Speaker A:Right. Can you calm their tits, please?
Speaker C:I can do that.
Speaker B:So, yeah, Adam hasn't been on the last couple because we had that one issue where he was on vacation, we couldn't get him in. And then he had some equipment issues. But now Adam has got some new equipment and he's coming in loud and clear. And Robbie finally figured out how to get him recording on here. So things are looking up here at the American what are we called? podcasts? American fools. What?
Speaker A:The American fools. The aquarium guys. pod.
Speaker B:There we go.
Speaker A:We forgot our name.
Speaker B:How long has it been? It's been so long, I can't remember the name of the day. I don't know.
Speaker A:It's like a bicycle. You're just not going to use it because it's exercise.
Speaker B:That's right. Absolutely.
Speaker C:That's the story of your life, Robbie.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:You had questions a moment ago.
Speaker B:Yeah. How come your exercise bike, it just holds all your clothing?
Speaker A:Not the question I was aiming at.
Speaker B:Okay.
Speaker A:The question that you had for me was what happened to the eggs in my aquarium?
Speaker B:Yes. Last time I was here breeding in the first place.
Speaker A:I'm having a lot of fun doing some easy breeding. There are these, how do we say, muppet looking fish that I love to death.
Speaker B:They're beautiful.
Speaker A:They have multiple names. polar blue, cichlids, tiger blue, parrots. But garbage the appropriate they're beautiful.
Speaker B:They're not Russian handlers.
Speaker A:The appropriate name for these fish is balloon convict blue. Balloon. Balloon convict cichlids.
Speaker C:Oh, garbage.
Speaker A:They are across between a convict strain, another strain, and parrot cichlits. They are the dopeiest dorkiest looking fish, and they're so much fun.
Speaker B:And they're still ten times prettier than an endler.
Speaker A:They're sociable, they're trainable, they're extremely easy to breed.
Speaker B:And I can't believe you got them go out and get the mail the other night.
Speaker A:Right. They're hardy as hell.
Speaker C:So wait, they're crossing the parrot fish, you said?
Speaker A:Yeah, a parrot cyclically.
Speaker B:They're gorgeous.
Speaker C:And they're fertile.
Speaker B:Very fertile.
Speaker A:So fertile. Convict level, fertile. Bowl breed once a week. I got a bowl of eggs that they make.
Speaker C:Okay? They're convict level, fertile.
Speaker A:Jesus Christ. But they're more sensitive than that. These guys have emotions. So convicts convicts, you just add water and you'll have sex in a bowl. But these guys, they're a little more sensitive. They'll still make the bowls. They'll still breed for you. But if you anger them in any way or pop up or start really abruptly, like looking into the tank, they'll get scared and then they'll eat all their eggs.
Speaker B:It's kind of like Michael Jackson need fertile convicts.
Speaker A:Correct. And they're adorable, and they have the.
Speaker B:Sensitivity of Michael Jackson.
Speaker A:Like an old, ugly convict is huge and just ugly. They're kind of mean when they get big. These stayed nice and small. They're just great.
Speaker B:Yeah, I like them, actually.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker C:You need to send me a picture because I have not heard of these yet.
Speaker B:For sure.
Speaker A:They're everywhere. They've exploded in the hobby, and they still go for a good price.
Speaker C:All right, send me some pictures.
Speaker A:Absolutely.
Speaker B:I'm going to send out some other pictures, too, by the way.
Speaker C:So I have a friend that listens to the podcast, and she had her kids listening to the podcast.
Speaker A:Whose fault is that?
Speaker B:She is a bad, bad parent.
Speaker A:We labeled this podcast now she's a bad parent.
Speaker C:This is not a very child friendly podcast.
Speaker A:No.
Speaker B:Yeah, shame on her.
Speaker A:I'd like to replay the first line of the podcast that we just started this episode. No, just refer to that and then.
Speaker B:Just go we had to restart because Robbie did some inappropriate things normally than I have seen. We're some kanye West wearing his White Lives Matter shirt.
Speaker A:Wait, that was a real thing?
Speaker B:I know. He just gotten I'm asking. Yeah, no, it just happened. Actually. That was part of the reason he got kicked off of Twitter, because he was wearing that shirt and spouting off some stuff.
Speaker A:Why can't he be our president? it'd be way more entertained than Trump.
Speaker C:I voted for he was more racist than some of the people that I know in northern Minnesota.
Speaker B:But here's the thing about kanye.
Speaker A:Why not racist? We just don't understand it. Because we're all one color up here.
Speaker B:That's right pasty seriously.
Speaker A:My daddy moved up here from West Virginia, and he says I have yet, like, he was here for, like, four months. I've yet to see one African American. And I'm like, do you want me.
Speaker C:To tell you why?
Speaker A:Because it's colder than hell and no.
Speaker B:One because they're all very smart and they all freaking laugh.
Speaker A:We're too dumb.
Speaker B:It's too damn cold up here.
Speaker C:But then I also heard that there was a thing that they basically said that it's like a zombie virus and you have three days to kick them out of town or else they just mutate.
Speaker A:And that is the worst thing I've ever heard.
Speaker B:Wow. You're going to jail for that.
Speaker A:So, back on track. You said that you shared this with a friend. She had her kids listen. That's on you.
Speaker C:Her kids were listening.
Speaker B:Her kids are listening, and she should go to parent jail because I wouldn't let my kids listen. My kids are in at don't want to listen to this shit.
Speaker A:Well, that's the I told her I.
Speaker C:Would shout out her kids.
Speaker B:Shout them out?
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:Oh, you mean, like their names?
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:You may have felt like they were staying on her T shirt for a second.
Speaker A:You don't want her to have her kids listen yet. You want to give those same kids a shout out?
Speaker B:No.
Speaker C:Why not?
Speaker B:Let's do it. All right.
Speaker A:Here you go. So here's your platform.
Speaker C:It's denali, greta, gillian and eleanor. And they live up in Alaska.
Speaker B:Well, there you go. They're starved for any entertainment.
Speaker A:We're happy that you're listening, but turn it off immediately, because it's not going to get better.
Speaker B:It's going to get worse.
Speaker C:I will watch my swear words in racism and knowing people and illegal drug use.
Speaker B:That's not you. Me and Robbie are full throttle ahead, man. We got so much pent up energy.
Speaker A:Full throttle head. All right, any other updates before we dive into the topic of choice?
Speaker B:Anybody get any new fish lately? Any cool things?
Speaker A:Jimmy, you got a trio? I've got of not endless.
Speaker B:I've got probably 30 trios in the last two weeks of different crowntail. betas. I mean, betas crown, tail, guppies. I'm sorry.
Speaker A:I meant for me, because it's all about me, remember?
Speaker B:Well, that's right. So rob's, on my birthday, bought me a beautiful trio of half black yellows, which then turned into me buying some more. I got the edge going and some more. And so basically, Robbie gave me my first little shot of crack cocaine, and now I'm hooked. And now I'm buying all these pairs and stuff. We have five more pairs coming up here shortly. I just got 26 pair last night, and I'm just having a heck of a good time.
Speaker A:It was pretty great. I got him from tame Waters. He was doing a charity event. Apparently proceeds of those particular trios were going to some sort of charity hell, if I can remember. I'm like, oh, excuse to budget me a birthday gift.
Speaker B:Go. Yeah.
Speaker A:So shout out to Philip tams Waters. You're my boy, Phil.
Speaker C:He's got a good story. If you're ever in the Twin Cities, stop at it if it's open.
Speaker A:Okay. This is going to make him laugh because we're going to have him on the podcast eventually. But I swear to God, you go to this place, it's kind of the ghetto of St. Paul.
Speaker C:All of St. Paul is a ghetto.
Speaker A:No, but this is the ghetto of the St. Paul.
Speaker B:Adam, there's children listening. Don't say f. I know.
Speaker C:I'm sorry.
Speaker A:That's all. Pay the editor for calm the hell Down censoring.
Speaker B:Oh, that's right. We have an editor now.
Speaker A:Yes.
Speaker B:Hey, what's his friend name? I don't know. Give him stuff different to edit.
Speaker A:Just giving him more content.
Speaker B:Yeah, let's see how good he is.
Speaker A:How could you how could you remember.
Speaker B:When we used to quack when he.
Speaker A:Has not given him permission to give his identity?
Speaker B:Jimmy, really?
Speaker A:I have to get permission before I can slander him on the podcast. All we can do for now is thank him for his hard work and effort.
Speaker B:I just want to see how good he is. I mean, if we F bomb 14,000 times in an hour, then he's going.
Speaker A:To quit and we have to find another one. And then there's going to be another hiatus that they're going to kill us for.
Speaker B:I got some other job offers to.
Speaker A:Go work back to tamed Waters.
Speaker B:Oh, yeah.
Speaker A:Sluma St. Paul.
Speaker B:We're still slumming it.
Speaker A:All the slum you get to this place, it's like an old run down mini strip mall, just like in a corner. And it's filled with it's like too small for any business. But then there's 18 businesses in it.
Speaker B:It's like going to chinatown.
Speaker A:The one side you get in, it says, live Fish parrots. And you walk into tame Waters and you're just blown away with this selection of almost exclusively high end rare products.
Speaker B:A lot of cool stuff.
Speaker A:Then you see one dude, one dude running this entire store by himself with just, I don't know, a gaggle of people. This dude's running left and right. You swear to God he's on cocaine trying to wheel and deal fish, just sling fish back and forth, working that for 12 hours. In a 90 degree element. I had all the admiration for this fine gentleman. And, yeah, confirmed he doesn't do coke, but you got to check it out. It's probably one of the best places to get betas in the Twin Cities.
Speaker B:Yeah, it's a destination store. It's a store that you want to go to. And if you own a pet store, that's what you want is you want a reason for people to come. And not just that. You're just not another big box store with feeder guppies, right?
Speaker A:Adam, do you have any news?
Speaker C:Not really. I'm good.
Speaker A:Did your wife let you put up any new aquariums?
Speaker B:No.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker C:I got a different job.
Speaker A:Can we all sign a petition that adam's wife must let him have 120 gallon aquarium?
Speaker C:No, because I actually thought about it. I don't know where I'd put it without my kids. Quote, unquote, accidentally breaking it.
Speaker B:Oh. Do what I do. Rubber made totes just buy another house.
Speaker A:Buy another house. Forget those people.
Speaker B:My wife and I were up in fargo, North Dakota. We stopped at the big box store there that rhymed at petco. And we walked in and said, hey, they got their buck a gallon sale again. We said, hey, you got the ten gallon tanks? And they go, yeah, we got these. And I said, okay, I'll take them all. Get any more in the back? And they went, no. And so they only had, like, twelve or 14. So we took them all. And she goes, Can I ask you what you're using them for? And jen goes, we're going to put them in our basement and hold a bunch of water. She goes like drinking water. And jen goes, yeah, the apocalypse is coming.
Speaker A:Oh, dense people was like, what are.
Speaker B:You using them for? I said, we should have told her. We're making myth.
Speaker A:We got to come up with a better line. Like, no, we're going to put actually.
Speaker C:So back in the day, I had a guy, and he asked how much cat litter I could buy.
Speaker B:What did this come out of? I missed Adam so much.
Speaker A:You are a missing component in this podcast.
Speaker B:What happened?
Speaker C:So at my store, this guy called my store up. There was two different weird phone calls. The first phone call was a guy called and asked how much cat litter he could legally buy at a time. And I went, no.
Speaker B:You went, how much money do you got?
Speaker C:No, there is a chemical in certain cat litters that can be used to.
Speaker B:Make explosives sales of sale, Adam.
Speaker C:No, hold on.
Speaker A:Hold on.
Speaker C:Already on every terror watch list there is.
Speaker A:No, I'm helping you out.
Speaker C:Get through the fucking airport. What do you think would happen if I sold a shit on a cat?
Speaker A:I'm helping you out. I googled this, all right? Other ingredients like antifreeze, iodine, and kitty litter make meth easily accessible.
Speaker C:Meth, too. And it's northern Minnesota.
Speaker A:Here you go. Now, Federal Protected Description Proposal recommends mixing unused or unneeded drugs with cat litter and coffee grounds and tossing them in the trash so it could be a part of the cleanup. There's some of them that used to have the chemical that can be used for it.
Speaker C:This guy literally, he wanted them for illicit purposes, because nobody calls and asks. And if he wanted it for, like, quote, unquote, cleanup purposes, he would tell me. But when you call and you say, how much kidney litter can I buy legally from you? I'm going to go, that's a red flag.
Speaker B:Maybe it was a fed.
Speaker A:Apparently, they no longer have it. But it says here that there were some elements of acetone and some of the crystals.
Speaker C:Yes, and that was back in the day when I had my store.
Speaker A:Well, that's no longer in kitty litter, apparently.
Speaker B:So the federal government called Adam, asking how much he could get. And Adam goes, you can't get any kitty litter from me, but I can tell you where you can get some ammonia nitrate oxide freaking fertilizer down the street here.
Speaker A:No, that was before. He knows a guy. You know what I'm saying?
Speaker C:I've always known a guy.
Speaker A:Well, since now this podcast is flagged, we should probably dive into our subject of toy choice.
Speaker C:Wait, the other red flag.
Speaker A:Oh, no.
Speaker B:There's another phone call.
Speaker A:There's more.
Speaker C:You remember Debbie, right, Jim?
Speaker B:I remember Debbie. So she was debbie a wholesaler in our area?
Speaker C:Yes, she was a wholesaler in our area.
Speaker A:No shot.
Speaker C:I got a weird phone call from somebody pretending to not be able to speak. So they were using the apparently there's this teletype service.
Speaker A:Yeah, it's the touch tone thing. For deaf people.
Speaker B:For deaf people. Adam, why do you hate deaf people?
Speaker C:I do not hate deaf people. Just listen to the story so much.
Speaker B:Hate his heart.
Speaker C:He was literally trying to buy as many pet vitamins as I could sell, and none of it made any sense. And then Debbie called the next day and said that she was hit up by the same type of person, and she figured it was for drug smuggling because they literally wanted to buy all of the pet meds that we could legally buy at one time.
Speaker A:Man, the world used to be a terrible place.
Speaker B:It's gotten so much better.
Speaker A:This is way better. It's all under control. Don't worry.
Speaker C:Yeah, okay.
Speaker A:It's only up from here, baby.
Speaker B:So, how much did you sell them, Adam? Just in case.
Speaker C:Not a goddamn one. Because they bothered me right before I was closing.
Speaker A:Hey.
Speaker C:And I said, Look, I'm closing. And then they said, well, we need, like, 50,000 bottles. And I'm like, no.
Speaker B:Yeah, you might want to get a deposit on that first for you.
Speaker A:I would have taken down his information. You might have got some sort of reward from that.
Speaker C:I doubt it. Because Debbie got the same thing. And then a couple of other stores. You remember what the hell was her name?
Speaker B:What's?
Speaker C:The one lady in bemidge name?
Speaker A:We don't need to identify people in.
Speaker B:The yeah, if you're going to jail, you're going by yourself, too.
Speaker A:You can just shut the hell up now.
Speaker C:I'm talking about other store owners.
Speaker A:I know. We don't want that. We're cool?
Speaker C:No, they all got hit up from.
Speaker A:I get enough mail. I get enough mail.
Speaker B:Have you ever got any mail from the federal government?
Speaker A:I have not.
Speaker B:Wait.
Speaker A:No, I have too. It's the local government, not federal. And we're going to go over that because I got some emails to go over.
Speaker B:You got email?
Speaker A:That is the topic of this podcast. We were going to do Bristol Knows.
Speaker B:Placos and now we're going do to emails.
Speaker A:People have been hounding us. Yeah, but you know what I forgot to do for the whole last year?
Speaker B:Read bristol's Play Goes and figure out.
Speaker A:How to log into the email even once. I have not checked the email since January and it is now October.
Speaker B:You are a terrible person. No wonder people hate you.
Speaker A:We were on a hiatus, Jimmy.
Speaker B:Hiatus.
Speaker A:Honestly, I thought the email from the aquarium guys forwarded to my personal and no, they didn't.
Speaker B:You just thought, we're not doing a podcast right now, that people just quit.
Speaker A:We're going to have to power through some questions, all right? And I hope that we have enough knowledge to answer them.
Speaker B:It doesn't matter.
Speaker A:Comedic matter.
Speaker B:Not as long as we could get them through them, it doesn't matter.
Speaker A:Excellent. So we have not abandoned your questions. You send them to the podcast.
Speaker B:Well, I imagine most of these fish are dead or these people are probably gone, but let's go through it.
Speaker A:My goldfish isn't looking good, Jimmy. He died nine months ago. kissed my ass. All right.
Speaker B:Hey, so just hit up Robbie and he'll buy you new goldfish.
Speaker A:Well, before we start we haven't started going before we start on the topic, to keep the podcast going, keep the lights on. If you like what you hear, share it with a friend, number one. Number two, not children. Not children help support us, especially since we're not catering to children emotionally, financially. Yeah, check our website out. Cornergyzpodcast.com Bond. The website. There's a merch. I mean, you can get some sweet swag. Our most popular lineup is these retard. And I mean, this it's really a beautifully drawn retarded flowerhorn. And it says, got cock. No, hold on.
Speaker B:Kind of hard to sell when you've never seen it.
Speaker A:Oh, I have the shirt, but I'm having a brain fart on top of it.
Speaker B:Maybe I should call you turd ferguson.
Speaker A:Apparently. Hold on. Here we go.
Speaker B:These people are just like merch store.
Speaker A:And there's the merch it is. where's the cock apparel? Did they take down our cock?
Speaker C:They probably did. You don't even know what we have for merch.
Speaker A:I just bought some. They didn't take it down.
Speaker B:Go fluke yourself.
Speaker C:Yeah, go fluke yourself.
Speaker B:So my wife got some cool merch.
Speaker A:Oh, no, they took it down.
Speaker B:My wife got some excellent merchandise, but not so much yourself.
Speaker C:Get taken down.
Speaker A:No, that's there.
Speaker B:That's there.
Speaker C:Perfect.
Speaker A:Oh, I love cock. That's what it says with kok.
Speaker B:Kok.
Speaker A:So we're going to make sure that gets back up. Apparently, that got removed from our store. For those that don't know cock, kok is the ball on the front of a flowerhorn's head. So little wordplay, little fun, little spicy meatball. You know what I'm saying?
Speaker B:Cool. Like I said, my wife got some excellent merchandise, but it wasn't from our website. She got it from the zz Top website, and I highly recommend if you like zz Top, you go get the shirt. They got a whiskey raw tour. It's only $85 for the sure for the hoodie. I thought that was a great deal. I said you should bought two of them.
Speaker A:All right, so we're back down the rabbit hole. First question. Hey, guys, found your podcast. I'm about to start a tank. When it comes to the bacteria in.
Speaker B:A bottle nine months ago.
Speaker A:You can start a tank. I know. Can it be used for fresh and saltwater? Yes, that's an easy one. Yes, absolutely.
Speaker B:Just as long as it hasn't been frozen.
Speaker A:In fact, so much so that even if you don't have your own bottle of bacteria you purchased, you can take your freshwater sponge filter, squeeze it into a salt, and, yes, it will begin the biological cycle. Next question. These are text messages, and our number has been deleted from Google Voice. So we're going to have to get that reestablished. Sometimes everybody's given up on us, even Google.
Speaker B:Ever since I started that whole thing where I told everybody, you're dead or.
Speaker A:Started keto, same thing. Same thing. I have something going on with a fish tank where it looks like it had IC. However, I treated it for eggs several times, and IC is what he probably meant and can't get it to go away. It was very slow to spread to the other fish, but the ones that have had it have died, and I've gone through three rounds of it here with water changes, aquarium, salt raising the temperature. What should I do from here? By the way, thanks for the show. If you guys are able to, please put out more. I've listened to them all at least twice, and this was in March, so I feel particularly shitty.
Speaker B:What we should do is buy this guy's tank because he's given up at.
Speaker A:This point, clearly, it's all over.
Speaker B:Give us a non call, and we'll buy your tank from you.
Speaker A:Well, my recommendation on this is when I have mysterious shit that looks like other shit, I immediately just get a uv filter in there. If you have ick, you treat it for IC, methyl and blue salt raising the temperature, and it's just there for months. It's probably not IC, but it might still be a bug. That's similar. Use a uv sterilizer. It'll just blow out anything in your water anyway.
Speaker B:That do a bunch of water changes. Water changes. Water change, water change. Water change.
Speaker A:That is in here with water changes.
Speaker C:Did he jack up the temperature?
Speaker A:82 degrees? I'm saying crank that bitch to 90.
Speaker C:Yeah, 90. And then put a uv filter on it.
Speaker B:And then put some extra airstones in there because at 90, there's not going to be any air.
Speaker A:Right, next one. This one was sent with pictures.
Speaker B:I like pictures. Hello.
Speaker A:Love the podcast.
Speaker B:Is there a picture of a person flipping us off?
Speaker A:That's a different one. Okay. Love the podcast. Would you be able to sex my dwarf garami? Also, any tips for removing tannin in a tank? Whether it's beneficial or whether it's beneficial to leave it in tanks?
Speaker C:In the tank.
Speaker A:Leave the tan in the tank.
Speaker B:Doesn't hurt nothing.
Speaker A:Poop water makes fish go blub. What? That should be a T shirt. poop water makes fish go blub.
Speaker B:Go blub.
Speaker A:Yeah, blub.
Speaker B:Blub. Like dead blub. blub.
Speaker A:Poop water makes fish go blub. This I'm going to see if I can copy the image.
Speaker B:Dwarf grammys usually are pretty easy to sex because the females are normally very plain and the males are brightly colored, either red, blue, striated colors, and then they also have a top dorsal fin that's a different so it's quite easy to sex a good sized grammy and they're also a lot of fun to breed.
Speaker C:Where'S the picture, Robbie?
Speaker A:I am uploading the picture that not only us, but the hive mind of the discord community can also vote on the sex of this picture.
Speaker B:I voted at he's working on it.
Speaker A:I am getting there. All right.
Speaker B:I vote yes for sex on this podcast. Is that we're doing or voting?
Speaker A:You're voting. People are saying male, female, and Jimmy is just going yes. That's what he does on all his federal forms.
Speaker B:Federal forms?
Speaker A:Like asking sex, please. I'll try to answer once or twice.
Speaker B:I'll try it. I would be very popular in prison. You know that?
Speaker A:Would you?
Speaker B:Oh, God. People love me.
Speaker A:I can just hear someone like, hold my pocket.
Speaker B:Hey, boy, want to get that soap for me? Sure.
Speaker A:All right. There is the photo. It is in podcast live chat. For those that don't know, go to the Ram Guys podcast website. Bottom of the page, you'll find the link to display.
Speaker C:That is a male powder blue.
Speaker A:There we go. Male.
Speaker B:It is male powder blue.
Speaker C:And the reason why I know that is because females are always drab.
Speaker B:Silver drab.
Speaker C:And they're drab.
Speaker B:Yeah, drab.
Speaker C:I have seen some really pretty females where they'll have a nice sheen to them, but there's no way that's not a male.
Speaker A:And I'm just glad we got this guy's question answered in such a timely, timely manner. Yeah, it was from May, and it's October now.
Speaker B:It's October. So, yeah, this this fish is probably dead or bread, and he's probably got 10,000.
Speaker A:It's now grandpa.
Speaker C:Actually, most dwarf grammys don't. You can buy them from the wholesalers, either males or females. And I almost never found females, even when I bought mix.
Speaker A:Not ever.
Speaker B:Yeah, I do see them all the time. So I did talk to our friends at segregation Farms here not that long ago, and I had somebody that wants.
Speaker C:To survive the hurricane, by the way.
Speaker B:What's that?
Speaker C:Did they survive the hurricane?
Speaker B:Yes, the hurricane headed towards Tampa, and just as it got there, it veered off and went north.
Speaker A:The original trajectory was they creamed them?
Speaker B:Yes. They were going to be in the bullseye. And when I talked to Secrets Farms the Monday of the hurricane what was the name of the hurricane again? chuckles. No, I don't think it's chuckles. I don't think I think funny about it is Ian.
Speaker C:What was it?
Speaker A:I always feel bad when they use real names because some dick is at an office named Ian and then she's just getting all the crap for the next two weeks.
Speaker B:They should name it after everybody's ex wife because they storm the house and take all your shit.
Speaker A:Can we have, like, Hurricane Karen?
Speaker B:That's right.
Speaker A:That's what we need is Hurricane Karen.
Speaker B:That's right.
Speaker A:That's what we need. But anyway, katrina. That's what we should have called. Yeah, we can't call strippers katrina anymore. No, we could have called it Karen. There was a missed opportunity.
Speaker B:That's correct.
Speaker C:Stripper'S name katrina.
Speaker B:What about cinnamon with a Y?
Speaker A:That's my stripper. That's mine.
Speaker B:So anyway, back to work here. segregate Farms was in the bullseye. They were peeing themselves. They thought they were going to get nailed. If you've ever been to cyrus Farms, they are only probably three to 5 miles away from the coast. But you could see the ocean down the road. If you're in front of their place, you can look down and you can see the edge of the ocean. They expected, I think, anywhere between eight to 12ft of surge coming down that road. And I think they told me that it's a high end greenhouse type facility, and it's only rated for so many miles per hour wind. And they said if they had a direct hit that they would be gone. And some prayers were answered. And as it came in towards them, it veered off, went north and flattened out. Fort myers area. I've got some friends in the Fort myers area, got a hold of them, said, how's your house? And they said, when we find it, we'll let you know. And their house is gone. One of my friends, his son's house, gone, but replaced by a three and a half million dollar yacht. Anyway. Yeah, the yacht knocked the house off the they figured the yacht knocked the house off the foundation because it was one of the few houses in that neighborhood that were gone. He's five and a half miles from the ocean.
Speaker A:Five and a half miles. So is it, like, finds these keepsies?
Speaker B:I don't know. They're trying to figure out a way how to kind of stand it upright so they could have a place to stay.
Speaker A:At least they should be able to find a way. Just because of the luck. Because the guy is going to get an insurance claim. He's going to get a check for his whole yacht. That's how that works, right? You don't have some Jeff bezos Looking that doesn't have insurance, so they should just leave it there.
Speaker C:I know about insurance now.
Speaker A:Yeah, they should just leave it there and build around it.
Speaker B:There we go.
Speaker A:Build into it.
Speaker B:That's exactly right. Yeah. Adams now works for an insurance company, so if anybody needs insurance out there, do you have insurance for, like, if I knock somebody up, let's say I was herschel Walker and I needed some insurance money. Adam, did you do that for me?
Speaker C:I can point you in. The guy with a hanger.
Speaker B:No, we're not talking about that.
Speaker A:Are you the duck, the gecko, or the mayhem guy?
Speaker C:None of the above.
Speaker A:Lame. lame.
Speaker C:I'm the.
Speaker B:Brown trouser guy.
Speaker C:Aaron yeah, the brown trouser guy.
Speaker A:I have no idea who that is.
Speaker B:Oh, really? Yeah. Jake yeah.
Speaker A:Oh, yeah.
Speaker B:That's who he works for.
Speaker A:All right. More questions later. Adam, I have sent you the next question. The gentleman's name is Alexander. He has three questions. Go ahead.
Speaker C:Where did you send it to me?
Speaker A:I direct message you and discord.
Speaker C:Just a second.
Speaker A:Here, let me get it.
Speaker C:Ahoy. My landlord with strictly no pets until last year. And let my girlfriend and I get two fish tanks as long as we put up a deposit for potential water damage. 20 gallon high with an epistle pair, black neons pigmy quarries and a couple of snails. Ten gallons with a single male beta. How do we persuade the landlord to get us to let us get more tanks and turn our small one bedroom apartment into an aquarium?
Speaker A:Tea time. We're going to stop there. That's question one. So I had this asked, actually, on the Facebook page, and people thought I was kidding, but I would try, and it depends on the state you're in to do, because there's laws protecting pets that are emotional dependent pets.
Speaker C:Yes, but people abuse that.
Speaker A:Yeah, abuse it. That I'm saying abuse it. Use it.
Speaker B:There you go.
Speaker A:Use it and abuse it. This is my emotional support. 55 gallon.
Speaker C:Well, here's the thing. First of all, we don't know where they are in an apartment. Second of all, if they're on, like, the third floor, a 55 gallon fully loaded is going to be what let's.
Speaker B:Say 50 gallons times £8 of gallons. So you're talking £400 of just water rocks, which is still now, let me put this in perspective for you because I'm an old dude, and this is back in the day of the waterbed, when a waterbell held 300 gallons of water. Okay. Yeah, I had a waterbed when I was in college.
Speaker A:Wait, did you get lucky on the bed? Because that matters.
Speaker B:Because what's that?
Speaker A:Because if you got lucky in the bed, that matters. Then there's a slight and bit more oh, yeah, worse.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:Okay, so then it was like £900.
Speaker B:So but exactly.
Speaker C:That's your bed regularly.
Speaker B:That's just you, Rob. That's just me laying that's just you laying there. So anyway, in perspective, just to give you an idea. So a 300 gallon waterbed, 2500 pounds, but it's over a large, large area. If you take your refrigerator, which weighs about £200 when it's full of food and whatnot, you've got £200 on four little pegs that are the size of a quarter, and that is more pressure on the floor than any aquarium ever will be.
Speaker A:Tada.
Speaker B:So it's not the it's not the amount of weight that a building can hold, but it's just probably what he's wondering about water damage. And I don't know how you can get around water damage, but you can emotional support. Fish. Right. You can go out and get a rider to cover that on your insurance. Tell him you're going to go out and get extra insurance on. Get renter's insurance, which is very cheap.
Speaker C:Renter's insurance is cheap.
Speaker B:It's very cheap. And then you can get a rider on it if your aquariums would bust and take down the wall.
Speaker A:Also, I did hear about a guy cheating on this apartment deal. So it said you're not allowed to have any aquariums inside your apartment. wink, wink. So he's on, like, the fifth floor. So he put an outdoor aquarium on his balcony. Yeah.
Speaker C:And he got every balcony down.
Speaker A:No, and they kept wanting him to resign his lease. Resign his lease? Because they wanted to change, you know, inside the apartment to everything, and he just wouldn't. So he got away for, like five years of shit on his balcony.
Speaker B:Yeah, you probably get away with that in a warm weather climate, but Minnesota is going to suck.
Speaker A:Yeah, no, that doesn't work.
Speaker B:What's the rest of the other thing.
Speaker C:Is, I've heard of somebody having a 75 gallon on their balcony, and just as they topped it off, it fell and took the other three balconies out below it.
Speaker A:What a way to kill grandma's dog in the balcony below.
Speaker B:Balconies and apartments are not that sturdy. There's a lot of every year there's people that have eight, nine people out on their balcony and the balcony collapses. So those balconies, I'd rather have them indoors and out because I think you're much better off.
Speaker A:So we got a lot of questions to go through. Let's hit the next one.
Speaker C:Okay, number two, duluth has super hard 200 to 300 ppm, super alkaline, 8.5 to nine PH. How would I help lower the PH and water hardness?
Speaker A:First of all, we currently use small amounts of acid buffer and almond leaves for PH and API water, softener pillow for hardness and major water changes. So that needs to be added. So now go ahead, Adam.
Speaker B:Okay.
Speaker C:Sorry. So to be honest, most northern Minnesota water, because they're in Duluth, is basically liquid rock.
Speaker B:Yes.
Speaker C:Here's what I would recommend. Either A, get some hard water loving fish, your live bears, that type of stuff. You're a pistol pear, black neon's picnic. Or I would have distilled water and then mix that distilled or Ro water with tap water after it's been Duluth, chlorinates the shit out of their water. So you need to be careful, because some days there'll be way more chlorine in it. So just always have a five gallon bucket sitting there.
Speaker A:Yeah. So always treat it like it's Fort knox. As far as the chlorine, just leave it in the bucket on the side. But if you're in a pinch and need an emergency, take a cup, put some water in the bottom, swish it around, and then sniff inside the glass. It'll smell like a pool. And if it doesn't smell as bad like a pool, you can use it in a pinch or put your least.
Speaker B:Favorite fish in there and see if it dies.
Speaker A:Literally. At derek's pet shop. These fish go in Detroit lakes. There we literally take a bucket, and some days you can put your head in the bucket and it smells exactly like a chlorinated pool. Other days, you barely get any smell. It just depends on when they last treated.
Speaker B:Yeah, I used to live in Detroit Lakes. Now we're 20 miles over this way, and all my old tanks had hardwater scale deposits on them from Detroit Lakes. And now I'm over here, 20 miles away. And all my old tanks, none of them have the hard water deposit like they used to in Detroit Lakes. But I think that the cheapest way is to buy a cheap Ro unit to make your own Ro water. Because if you got a 75 is a 75 gallon tank or no, he is 20. You could go out and buy distilled water and use that, or spring water, Ro, even Ro water and stuff. But I mean, you're carrying it up and down steps if you're in apartments and whatnot.
Speaker A:Or get it delivered, give the white privilege method. Just call the dude, have them show up every Wednesday.
Speaker B:Yeah, drop it off. But if you have a huge tank like a 75 and you're lugging up 30 gallons of water so you can mix it 50 50, I would just buy a cheap Ro unit, make your own Ro, and quit doing the chemicals. Because what I find out from the freaking chemicals, the acid buffers that's worse for your tanks. Yeah. The PH up, PH down. What happens is it will reduce the PH, and then it just rebounds a week later.
Speaker A:Well, what's the word I was wanting to use?
Speaker B:Hateful?
Speaker A:No, I want to say, for lack of a better word, evaporates from the tank.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker A:Yeah. It just goes away.
Speaker B:Yeah. It just kind of dissipates and doesn't work anymore. And then and so actually, you'll stress out your fish more just from the PH going ying yang and doing a yoyo thing. It's so much easier just to replace it with Ro water 50 50, and see where your parameters are at that point.
Speaker A:So, like Adam and Jimmy said, ro is best with the rear mineralizer, or mix it with your tap if you want to just stick with your tap and you want to find ways just making it a little better. tannins, tannins, tannins. Fill that stuff with wood, fill it with all kinds of naturals, and it'll help quite a bit. But it'll never I mean, if you have nine PH, good luck. Your batteries are charged, but not your fish.
Speaker C:To be honest, most pet stores and most fish that you'll buy up in that area, in that neck of the woods is acclimated. I mean, mine, I want to say mine. At my store, my PH was, like, between 75 and eight, and I never really had any problems. I just made sure to get our water for the super sensitive stuff.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:I mean, ask your pet store. Ask them, like, hey, what are those fishing right there?
Speaker C:Well, there's a really good pet store in Duluth, world of Fish. It's in hermantown.
Speaker A:Wait, like the world of fish that closed down?
Speaker C:There's another one in Duluth. It's in hermantown, actually. It's a really nice hole in the wall store. It's a house, and it's really good. It was the last time I was there.
Speaker B:A lot of cool stuff there last time I was there. Yes.
Speaker A:I'm about to make a trip. So question three of them. Have Jimmy Reid. I haven't highlighted there.
Speaker B:Jimmy, have you ever accidentally gotten high and put lemonade in your tank to top it off, thinking it was water? Because I would never have done that. Never, never, ever. Even if it was only a small mountain, a small glass.
Speaker A:You guys got something? Because I do.
Speaker C:Okay. It should be okay, but I would just be worried about the sugars.
Speaker B:It's just lemonade.
Speaker A:If you had a big tank, don't even fret. It's going to do what?
Speaker C:Even your ten gallon with a single male Beta is going to be fine.
Speaker A:Right. But in the smaller tanks, it makes more of a difference. Treat yourself to a good water change after your mistake, and you should be.
Speaker C:Fine when you're sober.
Speaker B:Now what I've done, I mean, it's only lemonade. It's not like you dropped your cocaine in there. Right.
Speaker A:I have a large basement. We part in the basement. We do podcasts in the basement. And I have a bunch of containers, like cups for people who are drinking stuff, and it's almost exclusively water because I'm always worried working in the basement. And then I go drink the pops and sodas and the upstairs. So I have a bunch of cups, and I'll do a clean up day to bring all the stuff to the sink. Well, I'll have all these half drink containers of water, so I'll just pour them in my recirculating fish tank unit. I have 910 gallon fish tanks that all share the same water, so I'll just pour them in to top off the sump, you know what I'm saying? Just a cup here, cup there. And I'm not thinking, I'm tired in the morning, and I end up pouring like, I don't know, a half of a two liter bottle of coke. I'm like, oh, shit.
Speaker B:Did you really do that? Yeah.
Speaker A:It was your coke.
Speaker B:Yeah, it was probably mine. When I was in college, I had 110 gallon fish pond in a deck in the corner of my apartment surrounded by plants really bitch and really cool. And I cannot tell you we had big I'd say six to eight inch koi and goldfish in there and some big fan tails. Every party, there would be 30 empty beer cans floating in that thing. Yeah, every single party we had, because people just chucked their empties in the thing. And I never lost a fish, because fish like beer. It's a proven.
Speaker A:Didn't lose a single fish. That entire recirculating system.
Speaker B:Yeah. So if it's alluded to a small amount, I mean, I know I really worry about in fact, Adams endlers were.
Speaker A:In there, and they kind of, I don't know, maybe more all of a sudden got better.
Speaker B:Yeah. But if you ever use cleaning supplies, like you're using windex on a paper towel and you clean your tank, and then all of a sudden you put your hand in the tank and you kind of go, oh, God, I'm going to kill them with this windex in my hand and stuff. If you're ever in doubt, just do a quick water change and you'll be just fine.
Speaker A:Yeah, do a water change. Or if you're really paranoid, throw in a carbon bag.
Speaker B:Or if you're really paranoid and it's just endlers, who cares, right? We haven't got him riled up about endlers yet tonight, so we haven't this.
Speaker A:Was January 28, and he says, thanks, all, for the hyped for new episodes. Oh, God, I feel bad.
Speaker B:You should.
Speaker C:You need to apologize to him.
Speaker B:Yeah. Who is he?
Speaker A:We are. We're apologizing to informally by answering his question. All right, I got the next one. Good morning, Rob, Adam, and Jimmy. I just recently discovered your pod.
Speaker B:No. What's my name?
Speaker A:Jimmothy.
Speaker B:Turd Ferguson.
Speaker A:Turd Ferguson. Good morning, turd Ferguson. I recently discovered your podcast. I've been binge listening to you at work for the last few hours. It's a nice start to the day with you guys'humor and an informative podcast. I had a question for Jim and Rob. You guys said that you're into the wholesaling, and I was wondering a few things. For one, how does one start this venture? You don't. It's like an inoperable cancer, and it consumes you that's what happens sucks immediately. Any hobby that you have, you're just sitting there like, I like cars. I wonder how I can make money off cars, is the very next subject. You play video games and you're like, I wonder how I could do tournaments, followed by, how can I make money by playing video games? So if you have a hobby and you're good at it, you're going to want to figure out how to at least try to break even with it. That's how you get into wholesaling.
Speaker B:I have seen so many people make money on pornhub doing that.
Speaker A:Now, if you want a tutorial on how to get into it, I feel like that's a podcast that we have preset up. So what does it entail? What are the ins and outs of being a wholesaler? It depends. If you are talking about a wholesaler, are you talking to cigarettes, farms? Are you talking about being a middleman? Are you talking about doing a side fish hustle? There's a lot of different things. And honestly, listen to more of the podcasts. We've had everybody in the name of the game, from a fish farmer all the way to yourself on the podcast. And even if you want perspective, finish the episodes.
Speaker B:Even a zoo owner?
Speaker A:Yeah, even a zoo owner, right? Yes. Even the dnr that has collections. We've had every type.
Speaker B:The dnr love us.
Speaker A:What are the daily ins and outs? I know the day consists of battling with Schmelta lol.
Speaker B:Hey, good.
Speaker A:He's been listening.
Speaker B:Hey, let's talk about Schmelta last night. I'm not kidding you. I go to the airport last night. I get there at 06:00 p.m.. Okay? I go there.
Speaker A:You got there early.
Speaker B:Got there early for that. Got there at 06:00 P.m.. My fish are there. I know they're there. I go up to the counter and smell them. I go up to the counter, nobody there. Two other people standing there going, how do you get a hold of their chin? I said, Well, I got a phone number. Let me call it. So the two people that were there had gotten luggage late after they had arrived. So they were there to pick up their luggage, and melta Airlines had called them from a phone number, and when they called them back, it says, this phone number has been disconnected. Okay? I went, well, I've got this in my phone. In my phone, it says, Secret fargo Airport, schmelta airline number. That's what it says in my secret because they gave it to me years ago. And said, don't ever give it to anybody. If you wanted to get hold of Schmelta Airlines in this particular airport and you went on and googled it, there is no phone number. There is no number. There's nothing on the website. This is called Minneapolis. So anyway, I called there, and I could hear it ringing behind the counter, and it rang, and it rang and it rang. I did this for 49 minutes last night. 49 minutes. Finally, somebody comes out. They don't look happy, and they go, gat, can I help you? I said and these gals were in front of me, and they go, yeah, we've been waiting for 45 minutes. She goes, I'm sorry. We were in a meeting. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. We're in a meeting.
Speaker A:Sorry.
Speaker B:So they had a meeting for 45 minutes. They just closed the counter. So welcome to hooterville. And I'm just sitting there. I just want to ring this gal. You get farther with being nice. And anyway, when did you ever learn this?
Speaker A:I had been to the airport with you. I was your bodyguard.
Speaker B:I hate these people.
Speaker A:When you literally had you blew up at the security of a federal airport.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:An international federal airport.
Speaker B:Yeah, I hate these people. Anyway, I was kind of a dick, I guess. So, anyway, she's leaning really forward at me, and she says to me, she goes, I'm sorry you had to wait. I'm sorry. Yeah. And she goes, we're in a meeting. I go, yeah, I heard that and stuff. She goes, we got pizza.
Speaker A:I said, she's inviting you for pizza?
Speaker B:I said, no, they got pizza at the meeting. And she was excited about it.
Speaker A:She was just telling you.
Speaker B:She was just spragging up. And I had pizza. And I'm going, that's nice. I said, the company sprung for pizza. Well, no, we had to pay for ourselves. I was looking at her, and so I said to her, I go, you know what I said? I waited 45 minutes. I hope you have a slice of pizza ready for me when I go into the back. She goes, I'll bring you some. And so anyway, I went to the behind where we saw I'm at the terminal, at the at the desk. I have to go back outside, walk around the airport, which isn't that far.
Speaker A:They're going to poison you.
Speaker B:And she comes out there, and she's got a slice of pepperoni pizza on a napkin for me. And she goes, I saved you one piece. I said, thanks a lot. And you know what? I fricken ate it. I ate it. I was so mad, I ate it. And the whole way home, I'm thinking, I bet you they poisoned it.
Speaker A:They closed down the airport so they could have their pizza for 45 minutes.
Speaker B:Yeah, that's what the meeting was. They had pizza.
Speaker A:Hey, we have a meeting. It's about all of these war, help me out immigrants. Yeah, that we're trying to import from Russia? No, it's pizza in the back room.
Speaker B:A year ago during COVID I went there, same thing. Nobody answered the phone. I get mad, I drive the 1 mile down to get a hamburger. There they are, the two people supposed to be working the counter at McDonald's getting burgers in between flights.
Speaker A:Are you kidding?
Speaker B:No, because I said oh. And I know them. I said, Is there nobody left now we decided we need a burger. We don't have another flight coming in for 45 minutes. Well, when we get back, I said, can you get my fish right away? I said, there's about 30 people standing outside the gate there. Yeah, we'll get you right away. So, yeah, I I got there, and he went in and grabbed it, gave him my fish, and then I had to go inside, use the restroom. And there's about 40, 45 people standing at the counter, just matter of hell.
Speaker A:Waiting for someone to show up.
Speaker B:Yeah, because they went out for burgers. Yeah.
Speaker A:All right, well, that was the best tangent of all time. Right, Adam?
Speaker C:It's up there.
Speaker A:Oh, thank you.
Speaker B:I'm sorry. I just had advanced.
Speaker A:Let's finish this guy's email. I've been in the hobby for both fresh and saltwater for about 20 years, and mostly been an opportunity entrepreneur for the last ten years. Over the last few years, I've been researching, wondering how you can make a business around this thing I love. I've read a lot of people fail, except I've used ups and downs. Having business. Really looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks. John, aka future Aquarium Guys podcast host, co host. John, I won't use your last name, but if you're hearing this, find me on Facebook, message me again, and we can have a private session. Some of the things that we can help you in your particular pursuit, because we talk about a lot of different hobby opportunities on this, but I feel like you got something in mind. You're a baller.
Speaker C:Okay. Where does John live, if you were to guess?
Speaker A:Well, if I could tell you his last name, you know, it's the midwest.
Speaker C:So if you can live in here's, the best idea ever.
Speaker A:John in the midwest, Jacob jingleheimer schmidt.
Speaker C:Find a state that lets you legally sell weed and then do hydroponic weed and fish. You're guaranteed to make money either way.
Speaker A:Derek is actually starting hydroponics in a store. The local high school club has a hydroponics thing, and they asked if they could build it in the pet store. So they're building a hydroponics unit. And I told them that he should be growing pot in it just because the community supports it so much.
Speaker B:Yeah, it would work. And just so you know, his shop is right next door to the police station.
Speaker A:Across the street.
Speaker B:Right next door.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:They'll never catch on.
Speaker A:All right, so, John, contact us. Maybe we'll have you on the podcast.
Speaker B:I hope he's still live. This is back from February 2 of 2020.
Speaker A:Send in your podcast host application to the same email, because we'll actually start checking it for once.
Speaker B:Yeah, and here's the thing. Pay sucks. Just telling you.
Speaker A:Hey, pay sucks. Yeah, help us if you want our pay to be better or anything.
Speaker B:Holy crap. We're on February 12 already.
Speaker A:Yeah, we're getting there. February 12.
Speaker C:Mr. jar, if these are in monthly order, why the hell are you jumping around? From May to January to the first.
Speaker A:Ones were text messages, so now we're in the email.
Speaker B:Now we're in email. Calm down, Adam.
Speaker A:Hi, guys. I've been getting some yellow neos from a breeder that's neocardina shrimp. By the way. I have a new tank set up just for them, and all cycled pre filter from my seasoned tank. They keep tamps at 80. Thank you for your conversion from celsius here, bro. 82 degrees for breeding purposes. That's way too high. Yeah, shrimp in general. Unless they're what's? Those fancy ones?
Speaker B:Starts with an S. Sexy shrimp.
Speaker A:Oh, they're so cool looking, too. Starts with an S. Yes. Help me out.
Speaker B:Sexy.
Speaker A:There is only one. Besides, in freshwater shrimp, there's only one type you keep warm. The rest you do. Room temperature, 82 degrees is way too high. So right there, I'm going to stop you there. But you want to keep them at 72 of research, the best temp to keep them at for their long health, and inevitably, yes, 72 still is too, too high. Do room temp. Room temp. If your house is 70 degrees, 69 degrees, you're going to be looking at 60 degrees colder. That's great for shrimp. I'm telling you. Room temperature all day. My question is, should I keep them at the 82 or acclimatize them to drip feed them in at 28 and then slowly bring the temp down over the week back down to 72? Just rip out that dam heater immediately and walk away. Stop it. Put them over an AC vent, for christ's sake. Something that is way too high. I was joking about the AC vent, but not really.
Speaker B:Yeah, I think if you just walk away from it, it will slowly, over the course of 36 hours, drop down the room temperature.
Speaker A:I have temp, measured some of my tanks, and I've in a storage room, which I moved them to, into 59 degrees.
Speaker B:Yeah, I just took my guppies off the deck and the temperature was 58 degrees when I took them off the deck here just the other day, and they're fine.
Speaker A:Hashtag patio pond, baby. New to the podcast. Love what I heard so far. So, Mr. jarvis, for love of God, quit frying your shrimp.
Speaker B:Yeah. And why are you in Canada or somewhere?
Speaker A:Clearly. Well, we have a lot of British. We're huge in the UK. I did not know this either.
Speaker B:What?
Speaker A:I looked at their analytics and we're hard number one in the UK.
Speaker B:In the UK, these people not have any entertainment.
Speaker A:Apparently they like inappropriate stuff and they want us to use the word.
Speaker B:We can't use that word.
Speaker A:We can't. It got censored. Did you hear the bleep? I heard the bleep. Oliver. Jimmy, you want to do this one? And I'll make it.
Speaker B:This is from Oliver from we don't know, because I heard that Rick Bruce got mentioned on your most recent emergency live podcast. Rick is very much a wealth of information and knowledge and very much hugely impactful in getting people interested, generally in aquariums and all things within Michigan, the midwest in general. Bruce petts also single handily brought life and business that turned Langsing's Old Town into the place it is today. He's one of the most respected folks in area, especially as it pertains to environmental leadership. And I've met very few individuals that are as genuine, smart and passionate as Rick. I don't know that you guys are looking for any new people to have on, but truly, an episode with him would be mind boggling awesome and probably melt some brains.
Speaker A:I'm all about brain melting.
Speaker B:I don't by any means represent him, but if you're interested in wanting to have him on, here's some contact information.
Speaker A:I'm not going to lie, it's been so long, I don't remember the shout out. I know a little bit about the gentleman, mainly that he has a fantastic beard. He literally looks like gandalf if he lost all the weight.
Speaker B:Yeah, that's a good way to get somebody on the podcast just to compare him to gandalf.
Speaker A:What that? He looks better than a famous movie. I mean, come on. Honestly. Do you remember that?
Speaker B:Adam, do you remember when we talked about Rick Bruce?
Speaker A:Well, since this is clearly a shout out and you want him on the podcast, rick, by all means, open offer. You're hearing this. If one of our listeners brings this to you, we want you on. Our listeners want you on. So shout out Bruce Pets. That's preusspets.com. Check him out. Come on the podcast. We want to see more of that beard.
Speaker B:And he is one of our neighbors over in Michigan.
Speaker A:I don't know if you know geography, but there's a lot of lake between us and him.
Speaker B:It's one of our neighbors, Robbie, michigan. It's not florida.
Speaker A:All right, we'll open a can of puppers with him. Next one. Actually, I'll get this one. Adam, I'll I'll be nice to you. This is from John. Good morning. I was looking through your website, and I think both your website and business have a lot of potential. I want to send you an audit report of your website. This is generally 90% of the emails we used to get is just people spamming us. So this is my little mantra here of if you want us to update our website, we don't care, and quit messaging us. We're not paying for.
Speaker B:It.
Speaker A:We're not paying you for marketing. This podcast barely covers its own costs, and we certainly have no money for you.
Speaker B:Yeah, we have to buy our own.
Speaker A:Pizza, like Delta, so good tag with the discus pricing. That was really got you there. It got us. All right. I do have one now for Adam. I'm gonna message you, Adam, in your discord. And ovaria. Go. This gentleman's name is Chris.
Speaker B:Shout out.
Speaker C:Hey, guys, love the podcast. I have a 55 gallon African cichlid tank that I put way too much substrate in. This substrate is going into my 180 gallon tank after I move into my new house, whenever I can find one. Good luck with that. Currently, I'm always getting green. This green algae build up on the glass where the substrate is. My question is, is this harmful at all?
Speaker B:Thank you, Chris.
Speaker A:We have a movie. I'll send it to you, Adam. And there I'll put it in the discord chat as well so people can find out. Nice peacock cichlids, by the way. Loving what I'm seeing. So he's talking about green algae.
Speaker C:Sunshine. You know what he needs? He needs to just stir up. He's got dead zones in the tank.
Speaker A:He does. He's got dead zones in the sand. So you have peacock sick lids in your tank. You have dead zones in the tank. He's building up gunk and whatnot. Get yourself a powerhead. It's like a fan for the inside of your water and builds current. Peacock cichlids do love good current going across the tank. And it keeps the dead zones in your tank stirred up so your filtration can do a better job.
Speaker C:You know what else could work?
Speaker B:What?
Speaker A:Coolly.
Speaker B:Loaded. I knew you were going to say that, big time. The problem is with some of that sand, it's so fine. It gets compacted, it doesn't get any air, and it just breathes good.
Speaker A:And someone in the podcast helped me silawasi shrimp.
Speaker C:Sila?
Speaker B:Yeah, dumbass. I told you that.
Speaker A:Silhouette shrimp, sexy shrimp are the ones that you keep under heat. That's exclusively the only thank you to.
Speaker B:Our discord listeners who are so smart.
Speaker A:Shout out to pagan swordsman. You're one of the longest time listeners.
Speaker C:I've always wanted to get some siloesi shrimp, but I never find them available.
Speaker A:They're very hard to get because they don't ship well because go figure, they have to have a stable temperature.
Speaker C:Is that literally the only reason why?
Speaker A:Yeah. Without temperature, they are not hardy.
Speaker C:Oh, I still want these now because I can't have them.
Speaker A:And they're adorable. They're adorable, but down to answer directly. I don't see green patches. It looks like you already cleaned them up. But I see diatoms. Yeah, I see diatom algae because of the dead zones and scrape it. It's not going to kill them. It's not going to hurt them. Just mix around the water. Get yourself a nice power head.
Speaker C:Well, actually, you could do it with a sharp stick.
Speaker A:You can use an algae scraper with a razor blade. Yeah, just not on your wrist.
Speaker C:Well, the razor blade. Actually, I wouldn't do an algae scraper because you'll get that sand in between the algae scraper and the glass and they'll scratch the glass.
Speaker B:That's why I hate sand.
Speaker A:I don't have that problem, I guess. Because you're a sand lover more skilled than you guys.
Speaker B:You're a weirdo.
Speaker C:I highly doubt that, robbie, who's got four children.
Speaker B:Wow.
Speaker A:You are better with instruments.
Speaker B:He has to throw a pot scrubby more than you have.
Speaker A:All right. This is rand. Thanks, guys is the title.
Speaker B:Rand.
Speaker A:Just want to thank you guys for the podcast. I enjoy listening to the knowledge and guests and you guys. I stopped listening to the news on my way to work and now enjoy the humor and topics you bring. My wife bought me aqua Shella tickets for valentine's in Orlando. 2022. It was very enjoyable. I spotted Joe from Joe Shrimp shack, but I thought he was the prime time aquatic sky brother. Lol, thanks again. Keep him coming. Wish I could have gone to that. Wish you could have gone to Aqua shelley in Chicago a week ago. That had been hot. Yeah, maybe next year.
Speaker B:Joe was there.
Speaker A:Everybody and your mom was there but us.
Speaker B:That's because we suck.
Speaker A:We suck. We don't make enough money to make tickets for that.
Speaker B:We can't even get gas money to go. No.
Speaker A:Hey, if you want to send us a donation and put it like to go to Aqua Shella, as the annotate did note, we'll save it.
Speaker B:Don't worry. Now rephrase that to get me to Aqua Shella and home.
Speaker A:No, we don't need that.
Speaker B:I don't want to be hanging out in Chicago for freaking throw the people.
Speaker A:You'll be fine.
Speaker B:That's true.
Speaker A:The windy city. You're a gas man. You got this. All right, so this is from the DNR, so I don't know how I'm going to quickly glance over this. Oh, no, jimmy, we're being reported. No, I'm just kidding. So we have a relationship with the Minnesota DNR and they give us information of different attachments of things that's going on. And she's letting us know chelsea is her name at the DNR letting us know about the responsible buyers meeting that clearly we missed out on, which is sad. They're hosting a webinar for responsible buyers in live organisms trade, including aquarium enthusiasts. Please forward the information to people. So I feel bad we missed this.
Speaker C:But your take for a second when you said Minnesota DNR, I thought they were going to ask about the plant.
Speaker A:The plant? No, we got confirmation of what that was.
Speaker C:What is it?
Speaker A:Weeping moss.
Speaker C:What?
Speaker A:Yeah, it's a strain of weeping moss. We had an expert watch listen in on the and watch the plant clip on the Secret history. Living in an aquarium with Alexander Williamson. And someone went to us and identified it correctly. It is a specific type of weeping moss, and it is very hard to kill, and it is not illegal in any shape, way, or form. So we now know what the plant is.
Speaker B:So Adam is not legal. You said it is.
Speaker A:It is legal.
Speaker C:It is legal.
Speaker A:It is legal. It is illegal in certain areas, such as Florida, but in Minnesota, we are all kosher.
Speaker C:Well, I doubt that, because the thing doesn't even die when you freeze it.
Speaker A:Yeah, it's pretty impressive.
Speaker B:Yeah, keep throwing that out there and the municipal DNR will be calling us again.
Speaker A:It is a certain variety of weeping moss, but it is weeping moss nonetheless.
Speaker B:So for those of you who have not up to speed on this, adam has had this weeping moss. We didn't know what it was, and he gave me a baggie of it. And how long did I have it, adam in the baggy? I never took it.
Speaker C:Two years.
Speaker B:I had it in the ziploc baggy for two years.
Speaker A:We started the podcast and you had it in the baggy. And then two years later, you stopped at my aquariums, and I just gave.
Speaker B:Adam some back the last time I saw Adam and I ran.
Speaker A:There it is here's. It on etsy. Someone has a tissue culture of weaving moss. That's the plant.
Speaker B:Yeah. And anyway, so I went to Adam down in Minneapolis at Joe Shrimp shack. And anyway, I gave Adam it back, and it was still pretty goddamn green in this original ziploc bag. It's been in there. I don't know what impressed me more, that the plant was alive or that the ziploc baggy had not actually started leaking after being for two years. It had water and a moss in it, and it sat on top of my counter. I looked at it every day and just laughed.
Speaker A:All right, this one's for you, Jimmy. This is from Ed.
Speaker B:Says first off, I have to say I love your show. I listen on YouTube. All right, I have some questions. What is the best book to learn more about angels? I really want black veils. Are they harder to keep than, say, a silver? And my question is, you're the angel expert. I tell you what. When we're talking about genetics and fish, generally, the wild fish, angel fish in the wild are all pretty much silver. And you'll get some you'll get a few marbles here and there, but anytime you go with a black genetic color, it becomes weaker. And so let's say even in goldfish, and you have fantail goldfish, you have the calico fan tail, you've got the red fantile, and you got the black moor. If you have a tankful of these and you start having condition issues in your water, the first thing that will get sick will be the black moors. It's kind of the same with angel fish. If you have a tank full of angels and you're having trouble in the water. When angel fish started getting sick or they're not feeling well, they normally will just turn their back to you. Normally, they come to the front, and you feed them, they'll hide, they'll go.
Speaker A:In the back, but they'll go back.
Speaker B:And turn your back to you, just like they're ignoring you, like they're snuffing you. yep. And so if you just take and do a couple of water changes, that usually snaps them out of it. But black angel fish are harder to take care of. And then on top of that, black angel fish veils with a long fin are most susceptible to all kinds of fungus issues and fin issues and stuff.
Speaker A:The worst one what would you say, Jimmy? The veil with albino colors? Like albino platinum veils.
Speaker B:Yeah, super veils. They call it supervales where they're swimming around dragging their tails in the bottom of the tank. So, yeah, I mean, some of the best knowledge we ever got about angel fish was from Steve ricky from Angels Plus, and he's got a wide variety of things you can read about on angelsplus.com. He's been doing this on our podcast. Yeah, he was one of the first famous people that we had on our podcast, and he was just a world of information. So most of the books that are out there are kind of older books and outdated. rob's pulling them up right now. freshwater angel fish. What else he got over there?
Speaker A:Well, the one that I always go to from age old information is, of course, the axelrod book, the freshwater Angel Fish by axelrod. You can find these things for $10 online.
Speaker C:They're still worth buying, by the way, and they're hardcover.
Speaker A:It's fun.
Speaker C:Yeah, all these old books are worth buying because there's little bits of information in the old books that you don't get even on the Internet. That the old people that started this new and then they put in the book, and then they realized they could make money at it, and then they take it out of the book.
Speaker A:When we state that their stuff lost the hobby, we're not exaggerating. If you can find an old axelrod book of any kind from like, the the 50s, we're not talking to your revised editions later, like, actually date stamped in, like, the get those two of them. Get those books. That's the copy you want, not the cool updated version.
Speaker B:Yeah, absolutely. That old stuff. And then if you go on, if you're going to get information off the Internet and try to find a reputable angel fish breeder who knows what he's talking about, such as Steve Rebecca, and he's got all kinds of questions and answers that people have asked him over the years, and he's got a big blog. He can read about it. It's really great. Side note, I just bought a whole bunch of hardcover books, and I got Adam some of them. Kept some for myself. Adam, what was the name of the books that I got that were about the corridors that I got?
Speaker C:A couple just 1 second. I have them in my bookshelf. I just have to get out of the room. They're a world renowned corridor speeder from England.
Speaker B:From England. And the gentleman breeds all his CorridorAs in his tin shed behind his house. And anyway, I have two autograph copies that they're not cheap books, and I've got two autograph copies, not the same book. He's got, like, volume one, volume two. Sure. And I'm going to part with him. And so I will put them on Facebook so if anybody's interested in them, they can contact me.
Speaker A:We'll do to our Facebook group? The Aquarium Guys podcast. Facebook group.
Speaker B:Yeah. And anyway, I'm not a huge corridor guy, but I saw them. We had some friends that sold their store and retired, and I bought all their hardcover books that they had. They had some great plant books, and they got all kinds of other stuff. And I bought probably about 40 books. I sent Adam maybe a dozen of them. And he gave me a couple of.
Speaker C:Books that I've been looking for and I couldn't even find on ebay because they go, like, for 30. They're just this little pamphlet book.
Speaker A:We have a really good but Jimmy excels in ancient hieroglyphics. His era. That's when he was in high school. That's when I wrote him.
Speaker B:Yeah, hieroglyphics is nothing. Walk like an Egyptian. It's you kids doing the lol and stuff.
Speaker A:He thought it was lots of love, and Lot threw it down to the last funeral. Awkward. Next question from sophia. Say, hey, there. My name is sophia. I'm 22 year old aquarium hobbyist from Northeast Ohio. I started listening to the podcast, and I love it.
Speaker B:Is that how she sounds?
Speaker A:Well, that's how I sound.
Speaker B:Okay.
Speaker A:I do have a question, though. I have a female guppy. I had it going on for three years. All right, so it's an old prima donna what's dead by now? It's a cougar. It's definitely dead now because this email was what time?
Speaker B:April.
Speaker A:We made it to April, guys.
Speaker B:It might be alive April.
Speaker A:Anyway, whereas female look up. You've had it going for three years now. After listening to your first and second episodes, it seems like she's a lot bigger and more colorful than anything else I can find on the market. I've looked both online and in stores, and all females I find or have birth in my tank are very grayish white. And is there a way besides diet to encourage females to produce color like hers? attach video to show you alongside my other females.
Speaker C:That's not a female.
Speaker A:Well, I have put the video in discord in the live chat.
Speaker B:Let's see it.
Speaker A:Here we go.
Speaker B:Where is she? Chicken. Chicken. boying. Boy.
Speaker A:Yeah, that's a male.
Speaker B:The yellow one.
Speaker A:That's a male. If you can tell by its giant. Got a podium. It's just long schlong sticking out the bottom.
Speaker C:Well, hang on, though. Here is the thing. Guppies and all live bearers. If you keep them by themselves, they.
Speaker A:Have the potential to change sexes.
Speaker C:Yes, they do. I actually had a female sore tail. She dropped fry because I kept her by herself for so long and then turned into a male and then bred with her own fry.
Speaker A:Yeah, but the video is definitely a male that you got there. So that's why it's pretty in order.
Speaker B:To get some high end colored females, you almost need to go into these really high end guppies, and they still never as nice as the males.
Speaker A:There's a bunch of places I mean, Phil from Tim we talked about already, twin Cities. Guppies is world renowned. His is like $75 a trio.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker A:And you're getting mad color on females. There's places if you need to find places we can point you in the direction. Just make sure to have a thick and fat wallet.
Speaker B:Yeah, there's a place out of Houston, Texas, that has some great stuff, and they run about $35 a pair, $45 a trio, which is kind of the going rate, but they've got some crazy stuff. And if you're looking for crazy stuff and you want to work with that, then check it out.
Speaker A:Well, thank you, sophia.
Speaker C:Hang on 1 second. I got to get a book for you.
Speaker A:Get the book. We'll read another email.
Speaker B:Yeah, get the book. Get rid of it.
Speaker A:We have a lot of emails to go through. We're only at May. Charles. What's in her belly? Maybe cut up my family's side. Crisp and soak seed. What is this? Is this a snake? Okay, there's a picture of a snake that emailed us and a picture of an overweight female. I feel like someone just sent us a spam.
Speaker B:Yeah, I think we'll just edit this part out.
Speaker A:All right, bye. We did not remove the creepy emails, apparently. Here we go. Michael, hello. Just reading the podcast and ask you if there'll be any future episodes. Quite a while since there have been new episodes. This is in June, by the way. I have listened to them all and enjoy the episode as well. Thanks, Mike. Mike, you and thousands of others of you have been harping us for a while. We're back. We're not going anywhere. We're going to do this more consistently. Not every week like we used to, but we're definitely going to put out on a regular pace. When we were in the hiatus, I got maybe four people messaging me a week on the regular. There were birthdays where I got like, eleven people messaging me the same day. We really have to connect you, Jimmy, to the social medias more often so you can get harped at 03:00 a.m. Saying you know why you're a piece of shit and having a podcast and why?
Speaker B:Oh, yeah, absolutely. Let me give you rob's personal phone number, and he can forward it to me when I wake up in the morning. Yeah, because I don't care.
Speaker A:Let me just get that out.
Speaker B:I'm not getting paid for this. This is all a lot of the joy of my loving heart.
Speaker A:The joy behold.
Speaker B:Adam and I were talking about this off air, about how much we miss this, and it's kind of like the heart grows fonder.
Speaker A:It does. I've been enjoying it, and clearly there's been a lot we have maintained when we in this hiatus. We didn't lose listeners. We had a very normal listen pattern through the entire hiatus. So it wasn't like we put our episodes and people stopped listening. No, we didn't lose a bump in traffic.
Speaker B:Wow.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:These people need to get a life.
Speaker A:They clearly we definitely have something that no one's if you want to get.
Speaker B:A hold of me on this, I can give you some other great podcasts that you can, like bert kirshner and stuff.
Speaker A:He's a comedy podcast. He's a wealthy I heard Joe rogan is doing pretty good.
Speaker B:Joe rogan? I've heard he's doing okay. I don't know if he's making any money at it. He's not making freaking American podcast. African aquarium podcast. What? Certain things. Aquarium guys podcast. It's been so long, I can't remember.
Speaker C:All right, so I have the idea for a new name. Jimmy.
Speaker B:What is it? No white guys.
Speaker A:Two and a half white two and.
Speaker B:A half white guys. It really should be three and a half white guys, because Rob counts for one and a half.
Speaker A:I lost weight. All right, you can kiss my ass.
Speaker B:He has.
Speaker A:I will say I've lost considerable weight, so I looked like I ate me. Now I look like I just wore me around me.
Speaker B:When robbie's lost so much weight, when he stands outside and the wind is blown, it sounds like a bunch of sheets flapping in the wind.
Speaker A:On that note, you're reading the next one.
Speaker B:Hello. First. I absolutely love the show. I think Jim is the best guy ever. I'm in Indiana listening to spotify. I have a question. I have a five gallon tank, and I was told to change out all.
Speaker A:The water every week.
Speaker B:Is that true, or do I change out, like, 20%? I'm just reading this, man. Get off my ass. Okay, so this guy was told to change the water every week. Well, maybe when you were starting out, maybe.
Speaker A:Did he pour all the lemonade like Adam did in his day? He could have.
Speaker B:I don't know. Is this true, or do I change out, like, 20% or something? I'm not or something because I'm not new to the hobby, but I stepped away from the past 20 years and decided to get back into it for something to do with my six year old and my 13 year old kids. I have always had large tanks in the past, and these small ones confuse me.
Speaker A:Well, Gene? Yeah. Don't do 100% water change. It once a week. If you can do once a week, that's fine. Otherwise, once every two weeks, depending on how many fish you have, five gallon tanks are kind of finicky, so let's just say 30% or a third every week or every two weeks.
Speaker B:Yeah. Five gallon tank. Take an ice cream bucket full of.
Speaker A:Water out on your discretion.
Speaker B:Yeah. Unless you got, like, 500 neons in there, then you might want to go back to 100% water change.
Speaker A:Right.
Speaker B:But, yeah, I think, you know, a lot of people get that information to do all these huge water changes when they first start out, so and sometimes it gets misconstrued.
Speaker A:So this guy gave us permission to say his full name because he even reiterated an email. So Adam, that one's yours.
Speaker C:Oh, you messaged it to me?
Speaker A:Yeah, I did.
Speaker C:Hey, guys. My name is David ballo. I hope I'm saying that right. Long time listener finally gotten to the end of the episodes and was wondering if the reason why things have been slowing down is the lack of an available and competent editor. I studied print journalism as well as hosted two of my own radio shows. I'd love to help you. Please feel free to reach out to me.
Speaker A:Don't read that number, David, at this email. David, I appreciate you reaching out for editor. We have editor on staff, but he may get sick. Maybe he gets sick of us. More importantly, that's what happened, and people get pissed off. David, one, I'm kind of sad that you didn't post the radio shows, because we could have given you a nice fat shout out here, but love the support. And yes, a good portion of why we're gone was editor. We had a lot happening in our lives. I had a kid out, jimmy had a wonderful wife, now become an rn. And Adam just he knows a guy, and he was taken away in a van, and then we see him now, so he's okay. Most of his fingers are there.
Speaker B:Well, I mean, Adam got a second job, and he was a drug smuggling mule, clearly. And he was going back and forth over to Egypt and dropping off drugs.
Speaker C:Actually, I'm not allowed in Egypt.
Speaker B:Really?
Speaker A:Who would have thought? Maybe it's all our schmelter comments.
Speaker C:No, I have dual citizenship, so I haven't done my military duty.
Speaker A:Oh, do you really have dual citizenship?
Speaker B:Yes. You did?
Speaker A:I thought you just had the good looks.
Speaker C:No, I have dual citizenship. So do my kids.
Speaker A:That's fantastic. Yeah, you should have done your military duty, brother.
Speaker B:For those of you who are listening, when we give Adam shit, he deserves it.
Speaker C:They actually wouldn't even let me in the Us military because of it at.
Speaker B:The time, and so that's how you end up buying a pet store. That's a nice story.
Speaker C:Before I graduated high school, the guy wanted to know where I was from and I kind of went around it and then he goes, the recruiter basically told me that if I could speak arabic he'd give me $100,000 tax free. And I'm like, well shit, for that much, I'll learn it. And then it turned into like three days later he goes, yeah, you can't really join. You'd never go above a certain rank. And then I asked my uncle to see if I could go on like the International Guard because he was in there and he asked around and he said the same thing. No, you won't go very far because they can't trust you. Even after 911, I never got a single phone call back.
Speaker B:Interesting for people who don't know Adam, I know your background, I know your story. I've been friends with you for 100 years. But tell the folks. So your dad is what, 100% of Egyptian?
Speaker C:100% Egyptian from Egypt.
Speaker B:And your mom is from Minnesota, right? Not Egyptian.
Speaker C:Not Egyptian.
Speaker B:So you're a half pretty boy and half pasty boy.
Speaker C:Yes. Which makes perfect mix.
Speaker A:Yeah, he's that vanilla blend. He's at all of ish.
Speaker B:The chicks love this guy.
Speaker A:Oh, yeah. He tans without tanning.
Speaker B:If I was younger hanging out with Adam and I was single, I would.
Speaker A:Throw Adam you'd lick his eyebrow.
Speaker B:You don't need to because his eyebrows are so thick. dude. I would throw Adam like in a bar with a rope on his ankle and I would slowly pull him out and just peel the chicks off him because he's that cute.
Speaker A:I think we're on a list now.
Speaker B:I don't care.
Speaker A:Harley. Hey guys. I hope all is well. I was just curious if you were going to continue the podcast. Damn it, people. fuck. I stumble upon it to devoured every episode in a week. I really enjoy the casual banter.
Speaker B:Casual banter. That's all it is, is banter.
Speaker A:Was sad to see you haven't updated in a while. I'm working on my own fish room currently I keep New World cichlids.
Speaker B:Nice miskey.
Speaker A:I don't know, I think it's a typo. However, I am definitely typos. I am changing my preferences towards community fish and shrimp. I've hit a serious case of burnout in the hobby and you guys help me kick it back into gear. Thank you for the last tips and tricks. Hope to hear from you soon. And he included a plethora of pictures that I posted down to the discord. He's got wow.
Speaker B:Nice.
Speaker A:A hell of a basement filled with tanks. And he of course keeps flowerhorns with nice cock.
Speaker B:Very nice.
Speaker A:And that's what matters.
Speaker B:That happens. That's happened to you. It's happened to me. I know it's happened to Adam. Where we've all burnt out on too much fish, clearly.
Speaker C:Well, no, I got burnt out when my sorry. L 46 fever plate goes over here.
Speaker B:Because of a it does.
Speaker A:Heater shit out. And your L 46 plate goes died.
Speaker C:Yeah, I lost a pair of breeding pair of l 46 and dinner plate size discus. Yeah had a crack in it and electrocuted every single one of them.
Speaker B:Yeah that was on the titanium Heater episode. That has happened to me too. I'm at the top of my game when my fish are breeding and I'm getting baby guppies every day and I'm getting mollies and platties and I'm getting bristol's placing all the time and you go this is great and then all of a sudden something go through your fish room and kills everything and you go I'm done. It's happened to all you know what? It's happened to all of us. Yeah.
Speaker C:I never have favorites of anything. And I never say that every day is a great day anymore because of that.
Speaker A:You guys are such doom.
Speaker B:Bloom I used to be a people person. I used people ruined it.
Speaker A:I used to love love life and people. And then fish came to my life.
Speaker C:What happens Jim? What happens if you have a favorite fish?
Speaker B:It dies every time the next day yeah well I don't even have favorite.
Speaker C:Children because of I wouldn't I once.
Speaker A:Upon a time thought we were promoting fish in the hobby we do. You all can shut up now yeah you bring him in down I'm going to take it up with dakota's email.
Speaker B:Yeah, go ahead Dakota I hope it's one more person telling you we're getting.
Speaker A:To September so we're almost getting done oh my god.
Speaker B:Well, this guy is probably still live and probably still listening.
Speaker A:Dakota writes hi there. Getting ready to start up at 125 tank with sump. Wanted to do a planted tank with Discus. Would love to hear an episode about Discus. Can't wait. Love the podcast. I've been trying so hard to find a Discus person to talk to. I've reached out to so many. We were close with ken's Discus, but he's like bro. You have no idea how busy I am. I'm never coming on that podcast. Nothing personal.
Speaker C:Gabriel. That owns Jack watley's history.
Speaker A:What was it a year ago? Tried to reach out. I think now he has more staff after the COVID boom so I might be able to get a little further but if you know a guy Adam, this is the time this is the.
Speaker B:Time to pull out of your butt.
Speaker A:Pull that card out of your ass and let's get a discus guy on here.
Speaker B:Yeah, serious discus guys are hard to find and even harder to part with their good discus.
Speaker A:It's hard because we have the number one world renowned discus guy that passed away recently jack. Yeah will we get an expert on here? That's good but will it be better than Jack? Unfortunately no.
Speaker B:And then everybody that is selling King discus everybody that's selling discus they're selling whatever they can produce but they're also. Selling imports from good discus people overseas.
Speaker A:Which we can't get any information from.
Speaker B:Either, because they can't keep up with product for demand.
Speaker A:Do you know how many experts have had of the podcast that I've reached out to, and they literally said, I would love to do your podcast. However, I'm just not good at English. I would be embarrassed to come on. And I'm like, we don't care. butcher it. We'll translate. We'll go through the cracks. Nobody cares that you mispronounce. Sorry.
Speaker B:We do it for Adam. We do it for Adam. We do it for Adam.
Speaker A:We struggle with Adam every time.
Speaker B:Every time. Oh, my God.
Speaker C:But I speak better white people English.
Speaker B:Than you do white people English.
Speaker A:This is true.
Speaker B:Oh, my God.
Speaker A:All right, you get this next one.
Speaker B:Kaylee kaylee kaylee says, we have a.
Speaker C:Lot of girls on this. I'm actually impressed. I didn't think there was that many.
Speaker B:Women in this because you're so hot.
Speaker A:Didn't we get, like, a review talking that we're misogynistic? Which of course we are. Yeah, we're two and a half white.
Speaker B:Guys on the three and a half. Yeah, two and three quarter. Okay. I'll give you a credit. So, yeah, chicks. Chicks love us. And can I call you chicks? Is that bad?
Speaker A:Yeah, that's misogyny. Or Jimmy. We we talked about this in sensitivity.
Speaker B:James James love us. James james or no? No.
Speaker A:What was the pirate one? The all the wenches. All the wenches love the wenches.
Speaker B:Love us. You know, and and okay, let's tell the truth now. This is why we don't go to aqua shella, because we'll just get the crap beat out of us from all these women will just show up and just knock us around, which would be kind of fun.
Speaker A:Or we just get turned on by rachel's mohawk.
Speaker B:Rachel'S mohawk.
Speaker A:Yeah, we'll talk about that later.
Speaker B:Okay. Kaylee kaylee says, I love your podcast, especially Jim, and you guys are so funny. Always have me cracking up the whole time. I can't get enough of it. I think I've listened to almost all your podcasts. I see you haven't posted in a long time because you guys suck. Just here to say, I hope you guys don't quit. Love you.
Speaker A:It hurts, but we're back. Damn it, Kaylee.
Speaker B:Thank you so much for sending that to us. I will send you pictures of junk. I wonder if she caught that. I'm going to send you pictures of junk. Junk. Not my junk. It just a junk.
Speaker A:We need to rush through. This is a long podcast. We're still in September. All right, Angela. Hey, guys. Another female. See, we are not that misogynistic.
Speaker B:My name is Angela.
Speaker A:Is she giving us permission?
Speaker B:I don't know.
Speaker A:Let's not say we're doing it. My name is Angela leopard. I learned about your podcast recently from ds fish into trailer lakes and learned about them from fillet tamed waters.
Speaker B:Oh, so she's a local I live.
Speaker A:In south cities and have so many nice fish stores that are quite to drive. I work in petsmart in Fairbolt, Minnesota. We don't carry a whole lot, and what we do carry, I tend not to waste my money on, if you know what I mean. anyways, I got a pair of epistos from Phil a couple of months ago, and in about a month I had some fries swimming around, following mom. Honestly don't know a whole lot about them other than that they've been doing good for me. I love to hear a deep dive podcast about epistos from you. Thanks, aquarium gal.
Speaker B:Angie wow, that was nice.
Speaker A:Phil, he has a back room wink wink.
Speaker B:Really?
Speaker A:That's where he's got the if you ask like, hey, Phil, you got the stuff?
Speaker B:Where'S the good stuff, bro?
Speaker A:Where'S the stuff? But you have to have a fat pocket. You could be like, bro, and then you got to grab your pocket because then he knows it's Phil with money. Like, Phil, show me the good stuff. And then he'll show you his crazy $300 repair Pistos that he has hiding in the back. So I think Phil should be the guy we talked to about Pistos. That sounds like yeah, he's got great stock. He's had them for many years. He breeds them.
Speaker B:And Phil likes us a little bit.
Speaker A:Yeah, I hope so. If not, he can just use the favor from Derek.
Speaker B:That's right.
Speaker A:He likes Derek more than me, hopefully.
Speaker B:Well, everybody likes Derek more than you.
Speaker C:So wait a minute. I've known Phil for quite a while and, well, I've been buying fish, so that makes sense.
Speaker A:I spend money and I'm a patron of tamed waters. So you heard I go there all.
Speaker C:The time and I highly recommend it.
Speaker B:Perfect.
Speaker C:And when I get going to do it, now I know of the back room deal. Okay.
Speaker A:Yeah. Heather in Michigan is next and I'm.
Speaker C:We got a lot of women on this one.
Speaker B:This time, chicks digger.
Speaker A:The chicks dig it.
Speaker B:Chicks paste.
Speaker A:There you go. Heather in Michigan.
Speaker C:Go where?
Speaker B:Well, most chicks will tell you where to go.
Speaker A:Adam I like to change locations.
Speaker C:When adam's on the show, you never messaged me.
Speaker B:It's there, dude.
Speaker A:We're looking at it.
Speaker B:Our poor editor is going to have to live chat. I thought you messaged me. Did Adam just show?
Speaker A:I did. It was my fault.
Speaker B:Don't let him know.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker C:Anyways, I just discovered the podcast and I love it. I wondered what your stance on the aquarium salt versus no aquarium salt debate?
Speaker A:There's a debate. They're salted up. There's no debate.
Speaker C:During the debate, my fish guy always tells me to salt up my tanks when my fish seemed stressed, have tears in the fins, et cetera. So I was basically doing salt each water change. Then I discovered snails. Have you guys done the podcast on aquarium snail?
Speaker A:Sure did.
Speaker C:I have a large mystery snail named silverstein. It was doing so good, and then it wasn't. Its shell got thin and chipped. I started to use bacter ae and shrimp fit as well as put cuttlefish bone in the tank. I wonder if the salt was softening the water and hurting the snail. How do we know what additives for tanks will hurt one species versus another?
Speaker B:That's true. That's a great question.
Speaker C:Goldfish, have we done the podcast on them? There is so much information out there on keeping them so much misinformation. It's hard to wade through it all.
Speaker B:That's fair.
Speaker A:We could do a Goldfish podcast. I feel like it's easy.
Speaker B:Yeah. I'll start out really quick.
Speaker A:We've been talking about talking to ozark fisheries. They're like the best goldfish people in North America that are breeding, in my opinion. And they were willing. But when we were in the busy season, when we asked them right. So we could ask them again now that it's winter. And I bet they'll come on.
Speaker B:Yeah. Goldfish loves salt. And salt is just a cheap alternative to help the fish lime create on the fish. So it works great for tears and fins and whatnot. But what do you think, Adam? What does it do to poor snails?
Speaker C:Killed them.
Speaker B:Yeah, I agree.
Speaker C:Have you guys ever seen what salt does?
Speaker A:Hold on, hold on. All right. Salt in medicinal doses, where you're actually treating something does. But salt and low level can be beneficial. And there's been plenty of things to argue about it for fish? No, for snails as well.
Speaker C:Okay, ravi, but here's what I'm betting. I'm betting that if she's adding salt, a, how much salt? She does not say how much salt she wants.
Speaker B:That is fair.
Speaker C:And then B, if she's not salt, I bet if she tested her water with the salt, a hydrometer, it would be probably at the higher end.
Speaker A:The problem is people don't understand how that's the word oxidizes. So when you put buffering agents to change your PH, it oxidizes out of the tank. This salt does not leave the water. It stays there permanently. So when you add salt to your tank and it tells you to do it on a regular basis, it's assuming you're doing a good hefty water change to remove the salt from the tank. And it needs to be put back in.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker A:If you're not doing good amounts of water changes and just top it off, salt staying there forever.
Speaker B:Yeah. If you're just stopping off tanks, that salt sits here.
Speaker A:Right.
Speaker B:And here's the other thing and you're.
Speaker C:Adding more to it, too.
Speaker A:It just gets worse.
Speaker B:And here's the other thing. We don't know what kind of salt. I know folks that throw in salt water salt. I've known people that thrown in iodised salt. Yeah, there's a lot of different salts, a lot of different things. I mean, the cheapest way for the salt is if you get yourself a 40 pound bag of solar salt that is in that crushed gravel.
Speaker A:It has to be crushed. It cannot be pellet or those glue in it.
Speaker B:Yes, the pellet is and don't use.
Speaker A:Pellet in your normal softener anyway. They tell you not to do that anyway.
Speaker B:Yeah, because the pellet ties are held together by water soluble glue. It all does is gum up your machines and kill your fish. Kill your fish, depending on what type of salt you're using and stuff. But then kudos that you put a cuttlefish bone in the tank to try to help out your snail. And they do like that.
Speaker A:Now, in the live podcast right now that we're doing on Discord, we do these live here one of the listeners just message us saying small amounts of salt with a bristle nose, question mark, not needed at the moment, but just wondering for future reference. And I say, yes, I put salt in with my bristle nose. Even when they're breeding, I never do. There you go. You have both opinions, do or don't you're? damned.
Speaker C:Yeah, here's the thing, I almost oh, go ahead. Sorry, Jimmy.
Speaker B:No, I was just going to it's turd Ferguson.
Speaker A:Turd Ferguson.
Speaker B:Sorry?
Speaker C:Turd Ferguson.
Speaker B:No, do a little experiment. Go out and buy yourself another tank. Get two tanks full of bristle nose and put a little salt in one. No salt in the other.
Speaker A:Yeah, kind of like what Jimmy does. He puts hard rock on one and classical the other.
Speaker B:There's only two kinds of rock.
Speaker A:Guess which one jumps out of the tank.
Speaker B:Yeah, that's correct.
Speaker C:You guys all swear by it. I almost never used salt because in any of my tanks, unless it was like a brackish or any of that stuff. And even then I would only use for the brackish tanks, I would use.
Speaker B:Salt water salt, yeah, I use a lot of salt on goldfish, but that's pretty much where I draw the line. I just brought in some high quality, premium large, extra large balloon mollies, and I salted the tank like I was told by my distributor, and they did great for about two, three weeks. I did a water change to try to bring down the salt because I had to send them over to a facility for a store and started lowering the amount of salt I put in the tank. And as soon as I did that, they all crashed. I lost one fish every day for three weeks until they're all gone. So they went $50 poof.
Speaker C:Did you throw the LG wafers in there, too, Jim?
Speaker B:I tried LG wafers, these great little pelts that robbie's got. I threw zucchini in there because sometimes mollies will eat zucchini. I was trying to throw everything at them. And right now I'm up to about four gallons a day now of live brine shrimp. And I'm just getting great results from live brain shrimp. So I was feeding them very well. And as soon as I would do a water change or anything, try to reduce amount of salt. So obviously these fish were held in large amounts of salt water from where they came from overseas and I just couldn't get them down. Every time I get a water change, about every three days, I would reduce the amount of salt and they would start crashing and I put more salt in and I just messed it up big time.
Speaker C:I almost never sold Molly's. Like, molly's are the perfect brackish water tank and even saltwater fish in my opinion. They're not freshwater fish.
Speaker B:Yeah, we could have that debate some night on another podcast, but I totally agree with Adam. Depending on where they're coming from, like we're talking earlier about this other it all depends on who's raising them and what type of water they're kept in. Because they come to these wholesale places and they're holding them for three or four days and they're out the door and then they come to your place. Completely different set of water parameters again, but they told me keeping a large amounts of salt and then slowly reduce them. But I had to put them in a show tank over at a clinic and never ever got them over there. They all went.
Speaker A:Well, that catches us up with some questions at least.
Speaker B:All right, so we will see you next year about this time.
Speaker A:Next year about this time. We are going to be checking the emails more often. In fact, I'm putting a forwarder so it all goes to jimmy's email box from now on.
Speaker B:Oh, I love that. So, yeah, send me pictures of your junk and I would love to look at it swimming around in the tank. Don't send me pictures of your junk.
Speaker A:Let me get anything else.
Speaker B:What you got, Adam?
Speaker C:No, I'm good.
Speaker B:Have you seen anything cool in the news about fish or Adam? Adam and Robbie and I are in a what do you call that little text thing? Club together. And Adam sends us the most bizarre shit from reddit Daily. Three, four times a day we get something from Adam. It's just bizarre stuff of people being chased by shark when they're on a surfboard or all kinds of weird stuff. Got any new stuff like that that I haven't heard about yet?
Speaker C:I saw a lady. I sent you guys one about this lady. She was sticking her tongue out of the Iguana iguana bitter tongue. You're going to love that. Why are you tempting faith? And then I was like, no, you're dumb. Robbie showed Jimmy that one of that that I put on the Facebook page of that guy getting hit the chest by that. I think that was an arapaima, wasn't it?
Speaker A:Yeah, you're correct.
Speaker B:Yeah, there's all kinds of cool stuff.
Speaker A:He had heart palpitations afterwards.
Speaker B:Got hit by that hard.
Speaker C:Yeah, I mean, the thing is probably bigger than him to be honest.
Speaker B:So during the time that we've been off the air, I watch a lot of YouTube fish stuff. And I wish I would have wrote it down before I came over tonight. But I've been watching these people from another country speaking another language. And all they're doing is they've made these large bamboo I want to say a spoon, but like a great big net, but it's made out of bamboo. And it's just kind of a big fish net. And they're walking up and down these rivers in a jungle. And you can't understand what they're saying. And they kind of got this really soothing music and stuff. And then they just walk up with these. They are two and a half foot in diameter. It looks like just a big bamboo net. And they just slowly go into the reeds and they lift up and they'll come up with betas angel fish, all kinds of cichlids and stuff. And they just go out there and they collect these fish and take them back to their village and then sell them. And I tell you what, it's almost like watching Bob Ross, the painter happy Little Clouds on pbs station. It's just so relaxing to watch this stuff. But the stuff that these guys pull out of the river is just amazing of all these high end fish that have escaped from local fish farms during the monsoon season. And it's just really cool to watch. And so next time we talk here, I'll look it up at home. I have to say, one of my favorites. I'll tell you about it, but it's just really cool. It's just kind of relaxing. So like, if you're home having a glass of wine or doing some mushrooms or some cocaine or whatever and you want to watch something cool, I'm going to have you to check that out.
Speaker A:Well, that's all I got. If you got more questions, email us. Aquarium, guys. Podcast.
Speaker C:You get to them at a good.
Speaker B:Pace this time, right?
Speaker A:Yeah, definitely a better pace.
Speaker B:Now the next question is going to be, why did Jimmy talk about cocaine so much?
Speaker A:Aquariumgyspodcast@gmail.com, you can continue messaging in there. The best ones are from the Facebook group or our discord. Certainly find that discord is at the bottom of the website aquariumgistpodcast.com. And we will get it if not.
Speaker B:Late, and then check it out. I'm going to list these books. Adam, do you ever find out what.
Speaker A:Those books were on the Facebook page?
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:Ian fuller.
Speaker B:Ian fuller I have a pair of these.
Speaker C:I have both of the books that Jimmy has. And they are amazing books. They're worth getting.
Speaker B:They are old school hardcover books. And they are autographed by the gentleman. And if I believe right, I'll get some pictures of it. I'll post it on Facebook and stuff. If anybody's interested in it, you can contact me. I'd be happy to sell them to you. And Adam, you found them for quite a bit of money online.
Speaker C:Paid $85 a piece for unsigned Edition.
Speaker B:Is that what you paid?
Speaker C:That's what I paid. So if I'd have known that if I'd have known Jimmy was going to get them, I might have just waited for Jimmy to get them to me.
Speaker B:Yeah. So what I'll do is I'll figure out a price. It will be fair. It won't be $85. it'd be less than that, but it.
Speaker C:Won'T be $85 per book.
Speaker B:No. I think I'll probably sell them for, like, $150 for the pair. But I want them to go together because they've been together. They've been together this whole time. I know the guy personally for the last 40 years that had it signed. Ian was at a show somewhere, and Jeff stood in line for many, many hours to get him to sign it. And so I know it's legit signature and everything. So, I mean, the providence is there, and I'll take some pictures. We'll put it on Facebook, and then you guys can check it out. But I'm thinking probably, like, 150 for the pair or something like that. But I want to be fair, but I want somebody to have it that will appreciate it, because I'm not I'm not a corey dora guy.
Speaker A:Fair enough. Well, again, you want to support the podcast, let us know. But share with a friend this week, get it out there and be like, hey, bro, I saw you have an aquarium. I just want to make sure you're not Jeffrey dahmer. Here's a sweet podcast for you.
Speaker B:Right. Share. It like Gunnerea.
Speaker A:Let it itch on that note, we'll catch you next time.
Speaker B:Bye.
Speaker A:Thanks, guys, for listening to the podcast. Please go to your favorite place where podcasts are found, whether it be spotify, itunes, stitcher, wherever they can be found, like subscribe. And make sure you get push notifications directly to your phone so you don't miss great content like this.
Speaker B:Kaylee says we have a lot of girls on this.
Speaker C:I'm actually impressed. I didn't think there was that many women in there.
Speaker B:That's because you're so hot.
Speaker A:Didn't we get, like, a review talking that we're misogynistic, which of course we are.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:We're two and a half white guys.
Speaker B:And three and a half guy. Yeah. On two and three quarter. Okay. I'll give you one credit. So, yeah, chicks. Chicks love us. And can I call you chicks? Is that bad?
Speaker A:Yeah, that's misogyny or jimmy, we we talked about this. insensitivity.
Speaker B:James dames love us.
Speaker A:Dames.
Speaker B:Dames.
Speaker A:No. What was the pirate one? The all the wenches.
Speaker B:All the wenches love us.
Speaker A:The Wenches love us.
Speaker B:You know, and and okay, let's tell the truth now. This is why we don't go to aqua shella, because we'll just get the crap beat out of us from all these women. We'll just show up and just knock us around, which would be kind of fun.
Speaker A:Or we just get turned on by rachel's mohawk.
Speaker B:Rachel'S mohawk? Yeah.
Episode Notes
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