#90 – Our Favorite

Hey, guys, make sure to come to the Minnesota Aquarium society's Aquarium Expo starting March 19 at 09:00 A.m. All the way to 06:00. I will be there. Come and hang out. I think Jimmy and Adam are both going to be there. Even Jimmy might be doing a vendor booth. I'm not sure. But yeah, come say hi, hang out, you know, meet these ugly people behind them, Mike, and, you know, maybe learn something with these cool breakout sessions. Also, thank you to the coolest sponsor, Daku aquatics. Go to dacu aquatics.com that's daku Aquatics.com links in the description. And you can find yourself some sweet shrimp nanofish plants. They even have this sweet driftwood combination where they actually attach plants to driftwood, and it's hella cheap, and you can even make it cheaper.
Speaker B:Promo code.
Speaker A:Aquarium guys at checkout, get yourself another 10% off, including they have these sweet square extendable shrimp nets. These are telescoping units. They're great. $11. You get yourself another percent off if you use our promo code. Why are you not doing this immediately, guys? Let's kick the podcast. Welcome to the Aquarium Guide podcast, guys. Welcome one and all.
Speaker B:Thanks, Rob.
Speaker A:If this is your first time coming, just go back and listen to the other one that sounded this is your first time here. Go on back. See what we're all about, because this is us being chums with you. We've already earned the relationship here. Go back, get start from the beginning. Otherwise, start from 18. Pick and choose 18. This is not the one you start with, is all we're saying.
Speaker B:I feel dirty just talking about this whole thing.
Speaker A:I am your rob's host, olsen.
Speaker B:My robs.
Speaker A:I am your rob's host. olsen.
Speaker B:When you say I'm your rob's host. olsen. When you say host, it sounds like you've got parasites or something.
Speaker C:Well, he probably does.
Speaker B:I know he does. You know what?
Speaker A:You have to kick this off.
Speaker B:Hey, everybody, it's your favorite guy, your favorite aquarium guy, jim colby here and my friend Adam here. What's your name? Adam.
Speaker C:My name is Adam.
Speaker B:No, your whole name. Social Security number.
Speaker C:Adam. Elneshire.
Speaker B:Okay, we need good enough for introductions. What about you? Your Rob's? My parasite.
Speaker A:No. I am your rob's host. olson.
Speaker B:My co parasite host.
Speaker A:Wow, we've you need to stop drinking before the podcast. Well, guys, welcome to this shindig. What are we talking about today?
Speaker B:I'm very excited that I finally came up with an idea that nobody flushed down the frickin toilet for once.
Speaker A:Wait, powdered alcohol has already been banned.
Speaker B:You know, that is a story within itself, and we'll do a whole podcast on it.
Speaker A:Okay?
Speaker B:But normally we look for ideas from people, ourselves included, something new and oh, my gosh, people are doing things on the Internet already.
Speaker A:Discord is having fun with that one.
Speaker B:Yeah. So if you want to join us, just check us out on discord, and Rob will give you all the information because I don't have a clue because I don't have a computer.
Speaker A:Aquariumgeyspodcast.com bottom. The website. You can join the debauchery live. It's been fun. Very excited, discords. It's a great community. There's like a bunch of people listening to us right now.
Speaker B:Yeah. So last week, Rob threw out a text to Adam and I. The three of us have a text that we go together. And he said, you guys got the idea. And I came up with this idea. It didn't get shot down. And so I keep feeling like I'm being set up for failure here. I really do. Anyway, so what the podcast today is going to be about is we are going to talk about our favorite aquarium websites, information sites, maybe even our favorites, our favorite youtubers that we love to watch and follow the content creators and.
Speaker A:Throw some shoutouts out.
Speaker B:Exactly. And then hopefully they'll send us some.
Speaker A:Swag with just a pinch of shitting on things along the way.
Speaker B:Well, that's what we do.
Speaker A:I mean, you schmelta.
Speaker B:This whole schmelta delta coronavirus thing is so well named. What's making people sit it's so close.
Speaker A:To schmelta, but should have contacted us.
Speaker B:But now I'm kind of worried about the whole thing. So Adam, you told me earlier today, what's the new virus behind the Delta virus?
Speaker C:That's lambda lambda. Then we're going to go to theta and omega and zeta and all the other alphabets. I think we should go to the Malaysian characters because there's 72 of those.
Speaker B:I think this whole thing is brought to you by some sort of bad sorority, don't you think? Or fraternity or whatever you want to call it.
Speaker A:People actually in my communities have been comparing them to there's going to be the random fritolays potato chip flavors. You know how they come out with those random ones and they're there for a season and then go away for.
Speaker B:Like bacon cheeseburger, but then later they'll.
Speaker A:Come up like two years later and.
Speaker B:Just come out of nowhere with another new flavor.
Speaker A:Another new flavor or return an old flavor, right. I mean, that's what Coronavirus is going to be.
Speaker B:It's just going to be the flavor of the month.
Speaker A:It's going to be the frito lays.
Speaker C:And it probably wait, I didn't go to college you were talking about. sororities so where's the sorority girls?
Speaker B:Well, yeah, exactly. We need some sorority girls on here is what we need.
Speaker A:This is off the deep end. Yeah, we've had commenters say that we're just nothing but terrible masculinity and we should be taken off air.
Speaker B:Oh, exactly.
Speaker A:Hello, ladies.
Speaker B:You guys have got too much time in your hands. So anyway, we're going to talk about our favorite, favorite and most favorite and why we like it. Websites, information sites, and youtubers.
Speaker A:Wonderful.
Speaker B:So what do you got, robs?
Speaker A:Well, before we get into that, do you have news? I just need to bitch a little bit.
Speaker B:Hold on. Here.
Speaker A:I'm holding a microphone. I need to get my shit out.
Speaker B:I'm going to go to the bathroom. Never mind. Just go ahead.
Speaker A:So in the span of time in the last, I don't know, a couple of episodes, it's hard for people to catch up because they're still listening to very old episodes. We moved our scheduling to every two weeks of releasing episodes, so we had a long back catalog to go through. So recently I was working on the aquariums. I'm coming up from burnout, and now I'm right back in burnout. I have a 90 gallon square aquarium that decided to split down the side. As I just fill it up, it hasn't been filled up in a little while. It was like three quarters full. So I decided, hey, let's top it off. Go over there, top it off, go upstairs. On my birthday, which no one showed up to because it was midget wrestling, and they're scared of midgets.
Speaker B:Everybody'S scared of midget.
Speaker A:That's a whole another story. But I go upstairs and relax after finally getting the fish stuff done, and my wife's like, you hear that? And I hear what can only be described as Gushing. I run downstairs to see that the entire side split wide open and was pouring water across my base.
Speaker B:Good. It's your aquarium.
Speaker A:It was.
Speaker B:For people who don't know, robbie's wife is very pregnant at this point. When you said you heard, I thought, oh, her water broke. Oh, shit.
Speaker A:Water broke.
Speaker C:No, I'm pretty sure gushing had nothing to do with the part of impregnating your wife.
Speaker A:Oh, boy. Yeah, we're definitely labeling this episode explicit. That's what it is. So run downstairs. I smashed my face and body into the aquarium trying to hold the seal together, and I managed to do that. It worked. So I just sat there because it.
Speaker B:Was leaking all over the floor.
Speaker A:I, Adam, sat there with my face smashed against the aquarium for almost an hour until my buddy came with clamps so we could hold the tank together with long utility clamps so it wouldn't stop leaking and I could drain the water out normally. So I saved my basement. But the aquarium and fish were all over the floor, and it was a big mess. I shot backed, I got the humidifiers, I got the basement finally treated.
Speaker B:That's good to see. You got the carpet cleaned finally, right?
Speaker A:So that tank, I dispersed the fish, and then the next day, my electrician comes in because I'm putting in a room in my basement for my new kid, and the electrician decides to bump to knock my pvc pipe that feeds all of my airlines for my entire fish room apart.
Speaker B:You didn't have a glued shut?
Speaker A:I did not, because I never glued shut, because I always reorganize or pop them apart, so I always push them together. This guy it was a strong one, too. This guy took some effort and he knocked my airline out and took all the airline hoses out of my entire fish room. And the one that was affected, of course, is the tank with the most expensive fish.
Speaker B:Exactly your favorite fish.
Speaker A:I lost 85% of the tank. And of course, only the most expensive fish were affected, like my giant clown launches that were worth hundreds of dollars overall. All the fish that I lost from that was well into $2,000 worth of fish.
Speaker B:I hope the bill you get for your electrician is more than 2000.
Speaker A:Yeah, the poor guy, he's still certain marijuana. I mean, you want to be immediate reaction is that son of a bitch, and you know, electrician. But the poor guy didn't even know what the hell they were for. He came in. Mistakes happen, right? You you don't really blame the guy. It's just another piece of misfortune, you know, down my shitty world.
Speaker B:So I think we learned that maybe you should glue your stuff.
Speaker A:Glue my stuff?
Speaker B:I think you should probably glue your airline.
Speaker A:You know what the lesson I learned was?
Speaker B:What was it?
Speaker A:That I never let electrician in my house alone.
Speaker B:That is another good one.
Speaker A:That's a good one.
Speaker B:So this seems like this is all your wife's fault again.
Speaker A:Let's blame her.
Speaker B:Let's blame her.
Speaker A:Yeah, see, that's the therapy I need.
Speaker B:I think we blame her.
Speaker A:That's the therapy I need.
Speaker B:So that you had a terrible a terrible birthday. You had a terrible did you ever call the ahole that you bought that tank from to see if there's any sort of guarantee on it?
Speaker A:It's not that guy's fault either. See, I got the tank used. The seals were great. I've had the thing for years. And here's another lesson.
Speaker B:Who'D you bite from?
Speaker A:You, you shit head. Here's the lesson that you learned. I don't blame Jim for this at all, right? He told me a great tank. The lesson learned is that if you have a large aquarium and you decide that you're going to want to be one of these artsy fartsy cool kids that have a rimless tank. Don't. All right? If it's an aged aquarium, either plan that you're going to do a resealing every so often or put a rim on the tank because the rim holds bad seals together. Me smashing my face against an already ripped seal resealed the tank. If I would have had a ring around the top, none of this would have happened.
Speaker B:So just you putting your cheeks on it and you wrapping your arms around it.
Speaker A:Imagine me just laying against the thing at a full, like, 45 degree angle, just plowing my face and hands into it, just pushing with all my might and weight. resealed the tank.
Speaker B:Well, that's wonderful, right?
Speaker A:But I had bruises on my face, hands and knees.
Speaker B:Yeah, but you still look the same.
Speaker A:Thank you. I needed this in my therapy session. That's why you go to aa. I'm assuming it's just like this. You get in a room, and it's just a bunch of people, like, cry more, and they just call you a bitch.
Speaker B:And you have so much understanding here.
Speaker A:I do feel better, though.
Speaker B:How about you, Adam? You had a good week, bad week? What's going on, man?
Speaker C:I I have a regular week a regularly. Yeah. I just like listening to Robbie, how he has problems.
Speaker B:I I do get great pleasure from his pain, honestly.
Speaker A:There is there is.
Speaker C:I mean, I just want to know. So the $2,000 of the fish that you lost, I'm assuming your moth survived.
Speaker A:Oh, of course. I still have it drying out, and it's still green.
Speaker C:Is it in the floor yet? Because it'll grow through the floor.
Speaker A:Well, I haven't tried that. Generally, when I see it on the floor, I pick it up.
Speaker B:It attaches. Okay. It attaches.
Speaker C:The $2,000 of the fish that you lost, is that count about the same as your ijana that you had eaten?
Speaker A:Oh, no, we don't talk about that.
Speaker B:Let's talk about the arrangement.
Speaker A:So in the aquariums that I lost fish for right. The only fish that survived were common placos guppies that I never wanted, that someone put it in there. And, of course, the penis fish, the cheapest fishable.
Speaker B:Exactly.
Speaker C:What fish did you have in there?
Speaker A:I had clown loaches. I had albino rose line.
Speaker B:Like, six inch clown loaches.
Speaker A:Big old, big oh, no, bigger. They were ten inch clown loaches. They were huge. No, the biggest one was ten inches. The shortest one was five.
Speaker B:You think ten inches is this big?
Speaker A:I used a member of my body to measure these things.
Speaker C:Your hands, multiple times does not count.
Speaker B:Yeah. Two inches. Yes.
Speaker A:Again, albino rose lines. Normal rose lines. I had a colony of breeding siamese algae eaters, which, again, I can't explain how rare that is, because I have to be injected to induce to breed in captivity. So that was a huge thing, the fish. Are you I mean, I go for an injection right about now.
Speaker B:I bet you could.
Speaker A:Yeah. I lost all kinds of you. There was some rare catfish that I got from Jay. I mean, all kinds of goodies died.
Speaker B:So the lesson here, kids, if it's your favorite fish, don't say it out loud or even in your head.
Speaker A:Right.
Speaker B:Because it will die 100% every time. Every time.
Speaker A:Every time.
Speaker B:You don't want my buddy ty shawn.
Speaker A:Hasn'T had his back because he told us about his favorite fish. Right. Died the next week.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:Did he die the next week?
Speaker A:I was pretty sure, yeah.
Speaker C:We all went, oh, and he thought, something shit on the floor.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:We're like, don't say that out loud ever.
Speaker B:Yeah, ty would say that all the time. He goes, this is my favorite fish this week, and it would be dead in three days and stuff. And so I told him in all seriousness, I said, don't ever pick a favorite child. Don't ever say this.
Speaker C:I don't either.
Speaker B:Yeah, and you've got a lot to pick from.
Speaker C:You got, like, a pick from that I know of.
Speaker B:Okay. Yes.
Speaker A:They're all my favorite kids.
Speaker B:All your favorite kids?
Speaker A:Biggest live ever heard.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:Wait, what?
Speaker B:When your parents say, I love you all the same?
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:No, no, not even close. No.
Speaker A:Jimmy was definitely lower in the totem pole at home.
Speaker B:Oh, no, man. You know, as a child, I was hurt being breastfed. Yeah. The cow stepped on my head.
Speaker A:Oh, thank God.
Speaker C:Do you know that they're changing that now to, like, person milk or something?
Speaker B:Excuse me.
Speaker C:What are you talking they're changing boobs breast milk to, like, person milk.
Speaker A:My favorite one was on Parks and Recreation, and they had these, like, super hipster douchy people in, like, an art museum. They're like, oh, yeah, we're going to be introducing something that we're just going to revolutionize breakfast. And they're like, what? Look at beef milk.
Speaker B:Beef milk. Beef milk.
Speaker A:Like what? Shit.
Speaker B:Gross.
Speaker A:Anyways, let's get back on top. But I think we're up to date. Are you up to date, Adam?
Speaker C:Yeah, I'm good.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker C:Although there was some cool stuff that.
Speaker A:I found for news, but we're okay, throw us one. Give us your bet on topic, and.
Speaker B:We'Ll shoot it down in ball flames.
Speaker A:Well, while he does that on our Facebook page, we were blessed by some of our favorite fans. They purchased their I Love Cock t shirts.
Speaker B:What?
Speaker A:I love cock.
Speaker B:Excuse me?
Speaker A:The T shirt. Oh, you didn't know about our merch line?
Speaker B:Did see that today.
Speaker A:For those that don't know, a cock is spelt kok. And is the ball on the flowerhorn fish?
Speaker B:Yes.
Speaker A:So, of course, we have a dorky looking retard flowerhorn fish.
Speaker B:You can't say retard.
Speaker A:It's my podcast.
Speaker B:You can't say retard.
Speaker A:You can't your podcast.
Speaker B:You can't say midget.
Speaker A:Excuse me? They labeled it midget wrestling. All right, all right. It's only fair.
Speaker B:Granted, granted.
Speaker A:So bought some T shirts saying I love cock and of course, had to take some pictures for us feeding his cock.
Speaker B:So check that out on Facebook, right? heck yeah. Adam woke up.
Speaker C:No, go ahead, finish.
Speaker A:And don't forget about promo codes. You can use promo code Jim, adam or Rob's. Rob Z if you want to pick me.
Speaker B:Yes.
Speaker A:I think it's like, what, 5% off, 10% off?
Speaker B:I can't remember if you use mine. Mine is 75% off, and so just go ahead and use mine, and if it doesn't work, then get a hold of Rob.
Speaker A:Oh, great.
Speaker B:Mine is 75%.
Speaker A:Thank you.
Speaker B:Now Adam is 82% off.
Speaker A:Now I'm going to have people coming. All right, Adam, what do you go for? News.
Speaker C:So the coolest thing that I saw on the news was the world's rarest rabbit was actually spotted on Facebook.
Speaker A:And the wagyu rabbit. What the WEGU rabbit? That was some sort of no, it.
Speaker C:Is actually a sumatran striped rabbit.
Speaker B:Are you talking, like a bunny rabbit?
Speaker C:Yeah. So there's this really super rare rabbit in the Philippines. sumatra, whatever.
Speaker B:Yeah, we're not geography majors.
Speaker C:That's for in that area of the world, and these things I think we.
Speaker A:Lost Adam, but we definitely trust our brown friend Adam to know more geography than us.
Speaker B:Where did you go, Adam? Adam?
Speaker A:Well, this moment sponsored by comcast lick my taint.
Speaker B:So we're talking about rabbits, and so the best thing about rabbits is you must be quiet when you want to.
Speaker C:Did the Internet die again?
Speaker A:Hey, now we're back.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker A:All right, so the sumatran striped rabbit.
Speaker B:We got to start over.
Speaker C:Okay, so it died.
Speaker B:Get out of it.
Speaker C:Died?
Speaker B:No, I thought the rabbit died.
Speaker C:No, the rabbit didn't die.
Speaker B:If the rabbit died, you leave town, dude. You should know that by now.
Speaker C:You'd be flat if the rabbit died.
Speaker A:All right, got caught back to the top. The sumatran striped rabbit, you can't say.
Speaker B:Midget, you can't say retard, you can't say flat. Okay, new rules.
Speaker C:I can say rabbit that was found on Facebook. And then they went to this farm. This farmer found it in a flood in his field, and he basically picked it up, put it in a cage, and tried to sell it.
Speaker A:So back from the top. What about this rabbit?
Speaker B:Tell us, what the rabbit, Adam.
Speaker C:Okay, the sumatran striped rabbit is one of the rarest rabbits in the world. They're only known from, like, half a dozen museum specimens, and they literally don't even know where they are found, where they are all from. And this guy found one in a flood, picked it up and put it in a cage and tried to sell it on Facebook.
Speaker B:How much you get?
Speaker C:Well, he wanted, like, $5 for it. You should buy it, which well, if I lived in sumatra, I would pay $5 for a sumatran striped rabbit. There somebody posted a picture.
Speaker B:There we go.
Speaker C:It's actually really cool looking.
Speaker B:So what happened to it then?
Speaker C:Their version of Fish and Wildlife came, told the guy not to have it, and then took it away and let it go again. They made sure it was healthy, and it had, like, a little cut on its neck, and they put some stuff on it and let it go because they're just so rare that they don't even get seen. And this guy had one in a cage.
Speaker B:They gave it a covenant shot and let it go.
Speaker A:You know, the world's gone to hell when a rabbit is the thing that's endangered.
Speaker C:Well, nobody knows anything really about them. They don't know where their habitat is. They apparently don't produce that many I don't know. Yeah, you'd think they're rabbits, but I don't know if they're kind of like from what I understood, they're kind of like, great white sharks. You can't keep great white sharks in captivity.
Speaker A:Well, thank goodness. Otherwise, Marine Land would be featuring that next week.
Speaker B:That would be cool on seaworld, wouldn't it? Here comes shampoo with a great white shark chasing it.
Speaker A:Oh, no.
Speaker B:Bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump.
Speaker C:Oh, wow. And by the way, robs, I found another thing that I'm going to get now.
Speaker A:Let's hear it.
Speaker C:Fugu puffer fish cigarettes.
Speaker B:Pharmacists have those quite often.
Speaker A:They do.
Speaker C:I know.
Speaker B:I know. Somebody could get you one.
Speaker C:Guy.
Speaker B:I know a guy. What do you like about the fugu puffer fish?
Speaker C:Internal organs. You can literally turn somebody into a zombie with it.
Speaker A:Wow. We left and got back, and we got it back at Zombie, so start at the top, please.
Speaker C:I was talking about what I liked about fugu putt for fish.
Speaker B:Yes, I do.
Speaker C:One of the most venomous animals known to man.
Speaker A:Well, we know that Julie is going to make us sign forms for us to get that for you now.
Speaker C:I know, but you can also use the venom as don't say stimulus zombies.
Speaker B:Oh, I think it's a COVID vaccine. No.
Speaker A:So is that how they did the Miami zombie back in the day?
Speaker C:Which one?
Speaker A:Well, you heard that guy that got high on bath salts and ate some dude's brain.
Speaker B:Oh, that was fun.
Speaker A:That was fun. Yeah, I remember the news was fun. I don't think that was fun.
Speaker B:No.
Speaker A:All right, I think we're way off topic. Jimmy kicked this off.
Speaker B:You led into this pretty well when you're talking about how your gosh darn tank crapped out on you.
Speaker A:And I'm glad to help.
Speaker B:I'm sorry that your tank pooped out on you.
Speaker A:I'm sorry.
Speaker B:And that leads into how I found this particular website. And one of my favorite websites that I've been following is called Gulliad Farms, and they are down based in Texas. And when I started following them was back in, I want to say January, February, when the state of Texas had that terrible power outage for many, many days, and they lost almost everything on their farm, but they videotaped everything as they went through all their warehouses and found what fish lived, which fish didn't. They do many, many types of cichlids. They do gamboosia, they do scuds, they do all kinds of fun things. But it was interesting just following them along. It was just such a long, long process about how they had to restart everything. The gentleman that runs into places is super, super educated, and he explains things so easily that you can follow it without going over your head. And I've been following these guys now since, like I said, probably January, February. And it just amazes me that they have gone all Charles and susie have gone and restarted everything to get back into it, because this isn't the first time that they've lost everything. They've lost stuff in hurricanes. They've lost stuff because of power outages and whatnot, and every time it's a learning thing for them.
Speaker A:Yeah, you want to talk about someone that would be an expert up in the podcast and talk about how to deal with the loss. Forget burnout. Those people really know how to pick up the ashes.
Speaker B:Right. And the thing I love about they're farm is it's really, really basic, nothing fancy. They're doing a lot of stuff out of 55 gallon barrels out of horse troughs. They make cichlid hotels out of different wire and things so that babies can get away from mom and dad. They do a lot of cool stuff. But the thing I really wanted to point out to you as we're talking about this, is they do the gamers scuds. And you folks who don't know what scuds are, gamers that are also known as scuds, it's a shrimp like crustacean, and it's very easy to culture life food that it's an excellent size for many larger tropical fish. Even adult guppies can eat scuds sick lives, and many kilifish also love them very much. crustacean reits, about 1 shrimp like freshwater crustacean, lives on decaying plants and deritis, also eating algae and other microorganisms. It is gray to green in color. And you can buy these from these folks, and they will give you a big bucket full for about 40, $50. And if you are looking for live food, they come in and you can kind of culture them and keep them going, and you'll have a continuous bunch of live food for your larger fish. And nobody else really sells scuds.
Speaker A:Most of the time they're considered a complete pest. So if you're doing like, predator tanks, Cyclid tanks, you're trying to breed out, you're trying to do grow outs, there's nothing better than it. But if you're having a very delicate planted tank and it's a smaller type, scuds can be an absolute menace to try to get rid of, so know where to use them. And if you're looking for scuds in your area, you can try to find people that do game ponds, and they call them freshwater shrimp because they don't have no clue. You go to a bait store and they give different nicknames for things, not actually what the minnow is called. Same deal here. The people that sell scuds, they call them most of the time in America, freshwater shrimp because they have no idea what they are.
Speaker B:One of my friends over the brainerd area, he used to go and collect them from his pond, and that's how he would get his angel fish to grow so quickly. He could get angel fish from newborn to quarter size in about three and a half weeks, feeding him scuds. And he would go out there with a big dip net and dip them, but he had to be careful not to overfeed them. And then as soon as summer was over, then he was out of scuds. Because he was not eligible enough about how to keep him going. But if you are breeding fish, especially if you're doing bare bottom tank tanks, they are a wonderful thing. You just don't want to put them in your community planet tank because they will cause a little havoc. So that's one of my favorite ones is goliath Farms. Check them out on the web. gullia is spelled G-O-L-I-A-D. goliad farms. Check them out.
Speaker A:Adam gets to go next. Oh, also, before you start, Adam, none of these people are sponsored. If you want to get sponsored, or better yet, be a guest in the podcast, contact us. Especially Charles and susie wink wink.
Speaker B:Absolutely. Yeah. They've also done some stuff on YouTube with some famous youtubers and stuff to check them out.
Speaker A:Heck yeah. All right, Adam. All you.
Speaker C:Okay, so which one do you want?
Speaker B:What's your best one?
Speaker A:We want your honesty.
Speaker C:Okay. Because I know lots of fish places and lizard places and frog places.
Speaker A:I don't know what fish places? It's generally a fish podcast. I know you want to change things.
Speaker C:Well, I don't want to change everything.
Speaker B:But just his co host.
Speaker A:No, just his co host.
Speaker B:Just coast.
Speaker A:Love you, too.
Speaker C:Yeah, actually, as dumb as it sounds, aquabid and Jimmy is probably going to say this one, too.
Speaker B:I love Aquavid.
Speaker C:Aquabid has a lot of cool stuff on it. You can find anything on there from L 46 placos that are wild, caught only during permitted times. You can find everything you want. You can find live food. You can find salt books. I've actually picked up some super rare books off of Aquabid that you can't find anywhere else. I've had them shipped all the way from England. It's kind of one of those little hidden gems that people don't really know about. It's basically just like an aquatic ebay, but continually check that one out. I don't know how much more to save people message.
Speaker A:Like people have even a message. Us now is aqua. Bit risky at all. Anytime that you go to a site where you're doing auctioned items, there is a certain amount of risk because you haven't done business with that person before, even on any website. It's not just an individual single seller. You have to learn and pick and choose who are your favorite people to deal with because you're dealing with a plethora of different people on the other side. The thing about Aquabit is it helps facilitate honesty. That's why having an ebay as a middleman really helps protect the dollar. And they have to put their live arrival guarantee policies. They have to be very detailed on what exactly they're covering before it. So read the details of your orders. I've had great luck purchasing them in the past.
Speaker B:I've had great luck.
Speaker A:Also, I've had a bad one, but it was protected and I didn't have to worry about it. Very few. Have ever had a problem with. Generally I just don't order in the winter being and closer to the Canadian border. I just don't trust other people to understand what we deal with up here. So I'm not going to waste their time and my time. I just order in the warmer months.
Speaker B:Yeah, the other thing that too is if you can go on there and read the reviews and people are pretty truthful in the reviews and there's some people that have been on there forever and they do a great job there's some people, some fly by night people, they don't last. So take a look at the reviews. There's some stuff you get on there at a reasonable price. Some stuff you can get on there is pretty expensive. But for guppies, for instance, if you're looking for some fresh guppy strain that you want to introduce into your collection, great place to look. But I personally would stay away from like in the guppies there are several people from Thailand and different places that are selling. Not that they're bad people, but here's the deal. You have to pay shipping several times. You have to pay shipping into the United States. You have to pay transhipr fees and stuff. So your $25 pair of guppies could cost you $150 before you get done. So you might be really careful. Try to stay within the United States or Canada and, and know if you're bringing stuff into your area, make sure that it's legal for you to have in that area. Because there's several things in our state that we can't have such as blue crayfish. They're just illegal in Minnesota for some reason. And so like when I order from seacrest Farms, they actually have it blocked out because I'm from Minnesota, say, hey, you guys got any blue crayfish? She goes, yeah, but you can't have them. And so you just need to know what you can get and keep into your state.
Speaker A:And it's not necessarily that some things are illegal. Some things have restrictions to import into a state if they're already there and breeding, sometimes the law isn't there. So do your homework on your local laws for that one. But people like seagrass Farms, they're required to do their own homework, which is why they have their own ban lists. So you'll find it a lot of times going with the more experienced wholesalers as well. They'll protect you before just protect themselves, which is kind of nice.
Speaker B:Adam do you buy stuff off aquabid?
Speaker C:I have, I've bought books and stuff because I don't have a place to put fish. When I do find a place to put fish, I'm going to be getting some of Joe Gargus's discus and his Ram cichlids.
Speaker B:Yeah. Joe gargus out of Florida. Very talented guy. He owns several patents on different things and we can talk about his website here a little while. But you also can get plants. You also can get snails. You also can get the branches, the driftwood, yeah, driftwood, spiderwood, things like that. You can get decorations, t shirts. I get all kinds of cool stuff on there. So if you're not familiar with aquabad, check it out and it changes daily so keep an eye out what you're looking for. I'm always looking for half black angel fish and they're on there once in.
Speaker A:A while so it's my turn then do it. I get a lot of people, they always ask me private message me, especially when I'm the one that deals with the communication for the Aquarium Guys podcast. Hey, where can I find so and so? Hey, where do you recommend the best so and so? And they always have some weird obscure fish and it's not even a pretty fish half the time. Like people have some really unique tastes. My bias really shows when they send me some of these fish. Like that's a new flavor of brown. If you're looking for things that you don't normally see in your pet store even if you ask the local pet store it used to be before COVID that you could contact some wholesalers and you could get that special fish but there's limitations. Like they forced you to get a whole box full which is around maybe 1000 of those fish. That's a lot of money for an extremely rare fish that they don't know the temperament, they don't know the requirements, they haven't had it in their water before. It's a lot of risk in capital for something that they haven't had in stock before just to get you your two that you're going to pick out of the entire batch. So it's very hard for mom and pop shops to deal with that. So people are always asking me where can I get obscure fish x well go on over to the Wet Spot. You can find their information. It's online. They are in Washington. Did we lose you Adam?
Speaker C:No, I just remembered that place.
Speaker A:You just remembered? Remember that place? Like, yeah, check out the wet spot. I have sent many people there. They've been very happy. They're one of the people where you can call up on the phone like hey, do you have any of these? But I want the purple variety and they won't even flinch. They'll be like, yeah, we had those on Tuesday. We're getting a next shipment in and then we'll send them out to you. Wonderful place. If you're looking for just a couple rare individual fish and they're damn reasonable for what you're getting. Some rare licorice garami to some catfish that they don't even have really domesticated on lists. They do a fantastic job to really accommodate the customer and get your weird, weird wishes at small quantity.
Speaker B:Small quantity, yeah. The problem sometimes with people especially newbies into the hobby is you see a picture on the internet and you go oh my God, that is the most beautiful fish I've ever seen. I can guarantee you you'll never find that fish in that color and have it sent to you and it will be fine because most stuff that you see on the internet those pictures were taken during breeding season. Those fish are mature. They're probably two two and a half years old and when you get the exact same fish it's going to be a little brown turd just like Robbie said. So I mean you're going to have to have a whole lot of time and money on your hands to raise these things into adulthood if it's something a little bit obscure.
Speaker A:Yeah I was mentioning off air we've had a couple of connections issues I mentioned off air before that people when they message me I'm just amazed on what different taste people have in fish and I always get like these obscure like oh that's a new shade of brown. Yeah I'm like that's. Not maybe my taste but a that's a great place to start when you're trying to find that one weird special fish.
Speaker B:Exactly.
Speaker A:And again, the website I did find it is wet spot tropicalfish.com. They are out of Portland Oregon. I haven't been there in person. I've just dealt with these guys through fans and other contacts and it's just been blowing people's minds.
Speaker B:Absolutely.
Speaker A:Thing is your turn Jimmy.
Speaker B:Is it my turn?
Speaker C:That's rob's basically he knows a guy.
Speaker A:Yeah that's a good like if you want to know a guy that's where we recommend to start looking for your weird shit.
Speaker B:Exactly. Well Adam already kind of introduced us earlier on and stuff talking about Joe gargas and Joe gargas has a website called aqua Research Center. It's a water analysis and interpretation and his professional life he has worked on water systems for cities. I own one of his books that he's written on water quality and stuff.
Speaker A:You're about to say pamphlet weren't you?
Speaker B:Pamphlet? No it's not really pamphlet. It was like 30 pages but you're able to go online and he talks about water quality and you can go directly online and he'll download it into an email form so you can just print it off and that's what I did anyway. Joe has been around for many many years. Been involved in the pet trade probably most of his life and what he raises is he raises a lot of discus and I've gotten discus from him several times and what's really cool about them is he sends them and they're a dime size and when I say dime size I don't say nickel size. It's dime size and you pay anywhere probably like from $18 to $25 for these little fish. But you'll see pictures of the discus that he has for the parents that breed and what he likes about it is and I'll read this to you right here where it says about the discus he goes small discus acclimate very quickly. His water conditions are 350 microbes less than 80 milligrams milligrams 80 megs of total hardness. The PH is not important. He goes I do not import the discus due to disease and parasitic issues all the discus are bred by me. All my discus for the proper care will turn out to be knockout show quality fish. Please email me with any questions. And he said some of the best discus I ever got from Jack Waltley in the late eighty s and the early 90s they were 24 95 in the size of fingernail and I never had any losses and that's what got him the idea that he's going to ship discus at a very, very small size. And what I like about this stuff when these discus come in you can start feeding them immediately liebrine shrimp and they go after it with gusto. They are very, very friendly. I mean, a lot of discus you get they go hiding in the back of the tank.
Speaker A:Honestly, they're the most moody sons of bitches I've ever had in an aquarium.
Speaker B:Yeah. And anyway these disks will come up and say hey, feed me.
Speaker A:You want hungry obese style discus that are willing to engage with you and fill their fat mouths.
Speaker B:Yeah. And what's really nice about it, when they're coming to small sizes, they're sent in a small box. And Joe almost always pays shipping. And if you go on aqua bid and that's where I found Joe the first time. If you go on aquid and see, you can watch who's getting bids and who's not getting bids. And I followed it for months and months and months. Anybody giving away free shipping is selling fish all day long so if you are going to start selling on aquid you might want to consider doing your research about paying for shipping for people because people really like that and that's what Joe does, he'll pay for shipping. He also sells age old fish epistagamas sells a lot of rams, blue rams, gold rams and go on his website, it's called aqua Research Center by Joe gargus. He's in Florida and he does a great job and I highly recommend you.
Speaker A:If you just want to nerd out on water quality just sit there and just touch my nipples to water quality. You want to be one of those guys you always go to these fish hobbies I love them to death for koi that's like you want to talk about water purification systems that have blown my mind go to your local koi club, right? You'll see, they care less, I swear to God, they have $40,000 koi they care less about the fish and they'll just sit there and like they're showing you their 70s pride and joy hot rod car that they just restored. They'll bring you back and they'll slap the hood on their filtration system and be like man, I got X miles out of these things. This is not that place. But I just love those people that just nerd out about water quality systems.
Speaker B:Now that you bring it up. He does a system design and consultation, and he will help pet stores design their system. He'll help fish farms. And so I want to read this really quick. They've designed and implemented water treatment systems at fish farms as well as individual breeders of species of tropical fish and have also designed systems for other countries. Countries. Not counties, countries. And examples are listed below. Let me read this to you. Back in 2005, we were contacted by Faith Community Church in Arizona. They're a sponsor of the Destiny School orphanage in kampala, Uganda, which is in Africa. Okay. They needed assistance in developing a water purification system that would supply the drinking and cooking water for over 800 orphans and teachers on a daily basis and be used for all their sanitary needs. At that moment, the children were having issues with water based diseases and harmful bacteria. Now the water system is finished, completed in 2007, and has been operating successfully ever since. So, I mean, check that out that he is doing water systems for communities, cities, different countries. This guy knows what he's talking about. Check him out.
Speaker A:Adam stern.
Speaker B:Adam, what have you got, buddy?
Speaker C:Okay, so another place that I like to go for just information and to kind of see what comes up in things is Live aquaria.com. I have not personally bought any fish from there. I just go there to see the pictures of stuff because the names change so constantly with things, I can just use them basically to look for a picture, and then they have the 40 different names of it on there so that I can find the damn name.
Speaker A:I love that you recommend a site so people can picture identify a fish. Do you know how many places they'll have a wikipedia page and they're like, yeah, no, but there's no picture. Well, how helpful is that shit when I'm trying to identify a fish? No, go to a Live aquaria.com because they have listings that they haven't had in 20 years. They still have great identifications recommendations and pictures. So even if you can't buy from them, they're still a great database.
Speaker C:That's the only reason why I use them. They're in Wisconsin. They're literally a stayed away from us. They have really cool rare fish available, especially if you like saltwater. But I've never bought anything. But I need to know the names because like I said, the names change so frequently.
Speaker A:I can't tell you how much I agree with this is the funniest thing you mentioned here.
Speaker C:They just got done changing wine. geckos scientific name. I'm like, what the okay, sorry. I almost swear I'm good.
Speaker A:Sorry. We had a couple we had to censor out. Today's podcast is explicit, so it's not for you, kitties.
Speaker C:Okay, good. I'm like, what the fuck? They changed the goddamn names all the son of a bitch in time, and it pisses me off and leave the names the way they're supposed to be so that I can identify the goddamn fish, and I know what I'm getting.
Speaker A:Science must progress, Adam. How dare you?
Speaker C:No, there's some needle dick little asshole that's a scientific name that needs to go and he counts an extra scale on a fish.
Speaker B:And he goes, this is a whole new.
Speaker C:And then he goes and he writes a piece of paper. He writes a paper on it. That's 20 pages. That no, but he reads not even his mother. And then he goes and he says, this is a new species. I'm changing the whole name. What the name?
Speaker B:Shit.
Speaker C:The way it's supposed to be. If you find something extra, like it has a toe or an extra, like four or five extra scales where the behavior is different, then you can change it not, oh, this looks different. I'm going to change everything because I'm an asshole.
Speaker A:Oh, my God. What do we talk about before the podcast when we talk about just not venting and saying things you're going to regret? Oh, my God.
Speaker C:I don't regret any of it.
Speaker B:Adam, put your wife on because I want her to take all the guns out of the house right now.
Speaker A:Put them down.
Speaker B:Put all the guns out of the house. I don't want you standing on the rooftop of the local Walmart shooting because you're pissed off because somebody found a new three total sloth or something. Don't know.
Speaker C:I regret nothing of what I said. I am not upset with scientific community people, all right?
Speaker A:You just want to help people use Liveacoria.com, not recommending them as a purchase site. Because we don't know, right? We just haven't really bought shit from them, but they're damn good when you're trying to find that one particular fish identification site.
Speaker C:Pretty much.
Speaker A:All right, my turn.
Speaker B:Go ahead.
Speaker A:This is arbitrary opportunity where we get to point out to tell you guys to go research things. And I'm not going to lie to you. We're using this as a bit of a note of people that we could not get in touch with to get on the podcast. So I'm going to take a note, one of the guests that I've been trying to get on since we started the podcast, emily vogt V-O-I-G-T. I'm not really sure how vit voit vote.
Speaker B:I say voit is a New York.
Speaker A:Times author and wrote the book The Dragon Behind the Glass.
Speaker B:Sounds dirty.
Speaker A:Wonderful book. Absolute bestseller. This is outside of the aquarium hobby, mind you. This is from someone that publishes real stories, real books.
Speaker B:It's a hardcover book.
Speaker A:Yeah, real books, like, very well known for being an author. And she stumbled upon, in her reporting stumbled upon a story about Asian arijuana and the illegal trade. So this is her coming from the outside, knowing little to nothing about aquariums and giving you the full, detailed perspective in a wonderful book on the entire industry and what it's doing to the fish, the habitat, and most importantly, the poor people that are involved in this illegal trademark. Very powerful book. I recommend getting in. I think it for $20 online. Unfortunately, we reached out to her after her different tours where she was doing interviews and whatnot, and she's moved on, of course, to her other works. This is just one book of her long list of writing and contributing to content, but definitely check it out. We would love to have her on the podcast if she ever wanted to, to get some details and insight behind the book. But this is a book where I recommend buy it. Don't just go to the library. Rent it, own a copy, and share it with some friends. We get true crime mixed with our hobby. I mean, it's a really compelling book.
Speaker B:Yeah. I just pulled up some stuff on Emily. So emily voit is a journalist specializing in science and culture. Her stories have appeared in the New York Times, the Atlantic, Mother Jones On Earth and isotop, a journal of literary science and nature writing as well as on the program radiolab and this American Life. She's a real deal, folks. She is a real author, and this is what she does. So we'd love to have her on. I know we reached out to her, and I think we got as far past her.
Speaker A:We got to publicist and more publicist.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:And they told her that she does so much different content and really meaningful content that it's just we missed our opportunity. I mean, that's fair. It's nothing that we control, but it's such a gem. Don't miss it. Read this book.
Speaker B:Yes. And so if you want to check her out and she's also on Twitter, so check out Emily voight.
Speaker A:Don't harass her to come on the podcast.
Speaker B:No.
Speaker A:She's got a million things to do. Yeah, but if someone does, we'll give you a T shirt.
Speaker B:Yes. Go ahead, Adam. Adam here on a roll today. Give her a holler.
Speaker A:No, I'm kidding. Don't irritate that wonderful woman. No. All right. Jimmy, do you got more?
Speaker B:I don't have one right now.
Speaker A:I got you with your pants down. You're going to your list.
Speaker B:I was trying to help you out with Emily.
Speaker A:Well, I think it's a time for our sponsored break. For those that are looking for the extreme in their aquarium, please check out our sponsor, j Four Flowerhorns.com. We'll have the link in the description. Use promo code aquarium guys at checkout for 10% off everything in the store. Seriously. He has award winning record flower horns. That's what he's known for. But he has all different types of different creatures. I've seen platinum guards on there. You'll see different stingrays that he'll offer. He frequently goes on his Facebook page and offers waffles. They're not raffles. raffles. Or you can get yourself a waffle ticket.
Speaker B:A waffle ticket?
Speaker A:A waffle ticket. And you just might get yourself a piece of the extreme. But go to his website, aquarium Guys is the promo code. Get yourself some sweet swag. J Four. Flower horns. Thank you for sponsoring the podcast.
Speaker B:Let's talk about his video that he did. Let's talk about that because this weekend, I had company. Did you came over to the house oh, no. And I showed it to him.
Speaker A:You mean that we did what that.
Speaker B:Video was the parts the video is good.
Speaker A:We were responsible.
Speaker B:Yes, but I'm talking about the animated one.
Speaker A:Right, the song.
Speaker B:The song we were responsible for. rob's you found somebody extremely talented out of the Minneapolis area.
Speaker A:We have a podcast on it. Smoke and Joe was able to write us a song and wrote us the Cock song.
Speaker B:Yes. And we kind of peed ourselves when he did it live for us the first time.
Speaker A:Then J four. Because again he loves is flowerhorns. He's the man for flowerhorns, decided to animate it, and it's kind of like a spongebob esque animation where he had, like, fish singing, and it was a lot of fun. You got to check it out.
Speaker B:Yes. We even got a shout out at the end of the video. He said thank you to the Aquarium Guys. Felt good, didn't I?
Speaker A:Love you, too, bro.
Speaker B:Yeah. So check that out. And what do they have to key on the youtuber? Rob?
Speaker A:Oh, they can literally just Google cock song and J four flower horns.
Speaker B:Really? And it just pops right up on.
Speaker A:Your kok the Cock song. That's the Cock again, we went over this as the ball on top of Flower horn's head.
Speaker B:So check that out. I checked it out over the weekend and showed it to my friends, and they all pissed themselves.
Speaker A:Did they have a good time?
Speaker B:Yes.
Speaker A:So, speaking of pissing themselves, you got another one for us?
Speaker B:I do have one.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker B:And this is a special one. In my heart, honestly, this is the first person that I reached out to when I started 30 years ago to help me out and raising angel fish. And then he stepped up.
Speaker A:How many years later you've mentioned him so many times. I feel like he should be giving you money.
Speaker B:He does.
Speaker A:He does.
Speaker B:He takes me for weekends down in malibu.
Speaker A:Does he?
Speaker B:Oh, gosh. Yeah. You've never been invited?
Speaker A:I have not.
Speaker B:Oh, it's a lot of fun.
Speaker A:I mean, I found malibu in your fridge.
Speaker B:Yeah, no, it's a lot of fun. The guy I'm talking about is the guy that helped us get going on this podcast. And what episode was that?
Speaker A:Robbie I feel like that's the moment you're like, this is a legit thing.
Speaker B:This is a legit thing.
Speaker C:So number one, right?
Speaker A:Angelsplus.com would be your next one. Jimmy.
Speaker B:Mr. Steve. Rebecca so if you have not.
Speaker A:It doesn't help that. Number one, he's an educated gentleman, right. And he has a very in depth process of how he's done things for many years. But then also, Jimmy is just sitting there touching his nipples.
Speaker B:Oh, God, I love Jim.
Speaker A:Angel fish is secretly his favorite fish of all.
Speaker B:Favorite fish of all time.
Speaker A:Nothing can beat it, ever. Angel fish are best in jimmy's eyes.
Speaker B:Yes. So back when I started, many, many years ago, I reached out to Steve. He helped me out tremendously, giving me some advice and stuff. He is so busy right now that he will if you want to pay for a consultation, he'll help you out, too. But back in the day when we first started out, he was one of the first people that was on the Internet. I don't know if he was the first, but he was one of the first people selling fish on the Internet. And just a class act, just a wonderful guy. Sells all kinds of cool things on there. He sells high, high quality koi angel fish, which are anywhere between 40% to 85%, covered in orange. He sells other angel fish. He sells guppies, he sells plecos, a lot of dry goods. He's just a wonderful guy. And he's from New Orleans. New York. So it's Angelsplus.com. He also sells fish food, snails, live plants. You can go on there and get all kinds of cool stuff. But what I really like about it, if you go on there and let's say you're interested in breeding pairs of angel fish, he sells them. They are not cheap, but they are high, high quality. And you can go on there on his website and click on there. And then every time he releases a new pair out to the public, you'll be the first. No one notified on your phone and stuff, but right now he's got a breeding pair of cory angel fish for $450. I've seen him as high as $795. I've seen him as low as $200. But here we go. $200 a lot for a couple of fish. One spawn, and they're paid for one spawn. So it was a tough thing to get through my head when I first started that I can go get cruddy angel fish, get 20 adults, let them pair off on my own and save a lot of money. But those fish laid 100 and 5200 eggs, and the quality was pretty poor, I should say. Steve stuff. He's been working with them for so many years that you're going to have 6700 babies at a crack, and he does not release them to the general public until he has raised up several spawns. So he won't guarantee that they'll breed in your water. But they did breed for him. heck of a nice guy, got some cool stuff. So check him out@angelsplus.com. Steve or bickie in New Orleans, New York.
Speaker A:What you got, Adam?
Speaker C:Planetcatfish.com.
Speaker A:Planet Catfish.
Speaker C:So planetcatfish.com is strictly for catfish people. Basically. They have, like, farewellas. All the Laura cads, the L numbers, corridoras, whisker, Catfish. They're really good for catfish. People that like those bottom dwelling fish. They have spawning information on that website. They have pictures so you can type in the L number or a common name and it should be able to pop it up. I'm pretty sure that they have all of the quote unquote scientific names that they were called in the past from people and everything else. So I'm big into cores and plecos and stuff. So Planet Catfish has always been a big help. Ian fuller, I think does he run that website?
Speaker A:Rob'S ian fuller.
Speaker C:Ian fuller. He's like a world renowned corridor's breeder.
Speaker A:Honestly, I don't know who has that site. We just give him credit because we do like it.
Speaker C:Yeah, don't quote me on that one. I don't know if he owns it. So Ian fuller is like one of the world renowned I have two of his books, and this guy is a corridor's master.
Speaker A:I think we should actually take a moment and pick content creators and just do a quick round. We've named a bunch of sites helpful. I named a book. We need to get some shout out to some content creators. I'll take a first crack at a couple of them. Father Fish. Right? I've reached out to Father Fish. He said that he's willing to come on the podcast. We've had, again, such a backlog. It's hard for me to schedule something out. But Father Fish is such a fantastic wealth of knowledge. Check out his YouTube channel. This gentleman is a wealth of knowledge. He's wonderful to deal with, and he has great people around him to help him out with the live streams. He does. He's such a great, humble man. Check him out. We hope to have him on the podcast in the future. I think that'll be a fantastic episode that I'm looking very forward to. We're definitely going to have to do that podcast a little bit earlier because he's more of an early bird. Jimmy yes, he is definitely a big favorite one. All right, Adam. All you. Pick someone that isn't.
Speaker B:We haven't talked about that.
Speaker A:Pick someone that we haven't had in the podcast. Oh, no. I ruined all their selections while you.
Speaker B:Had threw this for a loop and we weren't prepared.
Speaker A:Well, you said you did your homework.
Speaker C:I don't really pay attention to content creators.
Speaker A:Because no one inspires you, Adam. Isn't there, like, some dude that sits out there and gets injected by poison just to inspire you to get more venomous? Shit?
Speaker B:No.
Speaker C:That guy's a fucking idiot. What?
Speaker A:I'm not talking about a specific guy. I was asking you if there is a guy.
Speaker C:Oh, that coyote. What's his name? Isn't it coyote peterson or something? Yeah.
Speaker A:Didn't he start doing stuff for kids and then he got bit by it on purpose?
Speaker C:I think he died.
Speaker B:Why is that funny that somebody died? God, you people.
Speaker C:Anybody that purposely takes, like, hawk, wasps, and all the other shit, I'm so.
Speaker A:In for all that. For sure.
Speaker B:Do we lose?
Speaker C:I like having dangerous shit, but I don't like playing with it. Like, there's a difference. Oh, yeah. Adam wants I'm severely allergic to wasps. Do I want a pet mutant hornet or giant Asian hornets? Not really, but they're going to be fun to look at. This guy grabs shit and, like, purposely shoves it in his arm. I think you guys are dead again. Dead air.
Speaker B:No, we're.
Speaker A:Enjoying this. We need to do this more often. Jimmy, did you think of one?
Speaker B:I did. I did find one. I'm sorry. I blanked out last.
Speaker A:Sorry.
Speaker B:I did a lot of drugs when I was in high school.
Speaker A:Story.
Speaker B:Here's one of my favorite, and I really want to get this guy on. And if you've not followed him, it's called Dexter's World. And Dexter dexter is overseas and in a very, very poor community, and he puts up a heck of a lot of videos on breeding parakeets, on breeding beta fish, on breeding koi. Okay? Now, you have to realize on Dexter is that he is breeding all this stuff in his backyard in a very, very small area with little or limited funds, not a lot of money, and he breeds the most beautiful guppies, and he is using nets from 1969. He's using glass bottles for his betas, and he just does a tremendous job. And it's all about the quality of the fish and taking care of your animals. And if you have not seen Dexter's World, he has all kinds of videos and stuff, and he also goes out to other places that breed fish. So it's very fun to watch him go to his friend's house, who's breeding beta fish in a hut with no floor. I mean, like a dirt floor, no windows and stuff like that. He'll go to his friend's house that's breeding emus or koi or parakeets, and he takes an unlimited amount of garbage, I want to say and turns them into aquariums. Whatever holds water over there in his world is what they use. And it's very humbling to see that you can have great success without a whole bunch of extra money spent on that. So check it out. Dexter's world on YouTube.
Speaker A:Not laboratory. Don't get it confused. No, that's a cartoon.
Speaker B:That's a cartoon.
Speaker A:Also a great show, but not at all something beneficial to the hobby.
Speaker B:Yeah, I do have a question for Dexter's world. Yes.
Speaker C:Not your guy, like the cartoon. How the hell is this guy a world renowned scientist with a super genius, and he can't keep his sister out of his lab?
Speaker A:Oh, my childhood. Thank you.
Speaker B:I don't even know what you guys are talking about.
Speaker A:There's a cartoon on Cartoon Network back in the 2090s. It's called dexter's laboratory. He's the smallest boy you've ever seen? Yes, it was great.
Speaker C:Little orange head dwarf kid.
Speaker A:He's super genius.
Speaker C:Literally got an iq of like, 4000.
Speaker A:His sister would just blow everything up. That's all it would do every episode. Like, he would do some crazy elaborate scheme and then his sister would blow it up, would be the Marvel story. It's like it's like a brother and sister version of Tom and Jerry.
Speaker B:Really?
Speaker A:Yeah, it was a lot of fun.
Speaker B:How do I miss that? Oh, I was an adult back then.
Speaker A:You were an adult?
Speaker B:Yeah. I'm sorry your kids watched.
Speaker A:It probably that you should watch more cartoons. Less work. Less work. I'll do one more so Adam can finish up his details there. serpa design is probably the one that I go just to get my mind blown. It's something that every episode I will thoroughly enjoy. On his YouTube channel, he does all types and types of terrariums plantariums. insert a word and put arrium at the end of it, and he'll find a way of doing it. That man can take a Mason jar shit into it and it'll be the most beautiful growing sculpture you've ever seen.
Speaker C:That's my special plant.
Speaker A:The stuff he does, you look at it and like, wow. The amount of time, species knowledge, everything that goes into the jar. And then he makes you look dumb by how easy it is to put together. The guy is an absolute gift to the internet. Check it out. He's such a widespread doubt we'll ever get him on the podcast just because we try to find single experts in a topic like you talk about Steve Rebekki. He's an angels, right? This guy is an expert in so many different things. He's a real maverick. Check it out. If you ever want to get an expired about designing stuff and anything, any type of container, whether it be for terrariums or fish, this guy's a real gem.
Speaker B:And where is he located out of?
Speaker A:I have no idea. I'm just mesmerized. Like, every time I want to sit and relax and really take in something breathtaking beautiful and get inspired, I go to server design.
Speaker B:I take mushrooms.
Speaker A:There's mushrooms in some of his jars.
Speaker B:Really? Everybody want to figure that out.
Speaker A:I mean, about us having fun stuff in a jar. This guy just makes it look like he's absolute nothing can go wrong, and.
Speaker B:Anything he touches fantastic.
Speaker A:Real inspiring.
Speaker B:Adam, take us home, buddy.
Speaker A:Take your swing.
Speaker B:Take it home.
Speaker A:Swing better.
Speaker C:Like I said, I don't really watch too many content creators. The only one that I would say that I watch is probably wally kern. He's a reptile breeder out of Wisconsin.
Speaker A:Well, there we go. We have a content creator. Tell us more about wally kern.
Speaker C:He's just an old retired guy that has a lot of cool geckos that I like. He just brings in lots of cool stuff. He's doing isopods. He was actually at aqua shella. I think he does some shrimp, too. He's just an old retired I don't know, he's just a kind of down to earth old retired guy that likes breeding things.
Speaker B:And he does his stuff on the Internet.
Speaker C:Yeah, well, he sells stuff online, and he's got Facebook pages. But I've watched a few of his things because he brings stuff back that people forget about, like pictures, geckos and stuff we haven't had for years and years. And then he goes, I want those. And so now they're going to be popular again because he's literally bringing them back.
Speaker B:How do we find him then?
Speaker C:YouTube. And then I think he's just 1.
Speaker A:Second, he's going to giggle. It on his inner tubes.
Speaker B:That's right.
Speaker A:Well, Jimmy freshens his beer supreme gecko.
Speaker C:That's what he's on.
Speaker A:Supreme gecko.
Speaker C:And he's out of Sussex, Wisconsin.
Speaker B:So right across the border from us. Again, wonderful.
Speaker A:There's a lot of content creators that we've missed. And again, some of us, Joe, apparently like Adam, don't watch content creators. You should get it out there. There's other ones we like to get on the podcast for sure. I know michael's Fish room has been a big one. In fact, one of the members here just messaged us about it, like, hey, what about this guy? Absolutely, I've messaged him in the past. I tried to get him on the podcast. Couldn't get something scheduled. But that man is a real fishing out of one guppies as well. But I like it because he's like one of these people like us. He's a little more of a class act than us, but he's very brutally honest. He'll tell it like it is. That's kind of what I like out of him.
Speaker B:I think.
Speaker A:In the last content creator, we finally need to come out of the closet.
Speaker B:Jimmy, let's do it.
Speaker A:We need to tell our story when we kick this podcast off. Tell the secrets to the world. We don't care anymore. So when we started the podcast that.
Speaker B:Was a long time ago.
Speaker A:Jimmy didn't know what a podcast was, and he was really entertained what the idea was.
Speaker B:Actually, I didn't even care what a podcast was.
Speaker A:Right. You gave it a go. You had some fun, and, like, let's give this a go. When we did that, we did the first couple a few episodes, and it felt right to us. Right. We had a lot of stuff to clean up, editing, just a lot of maturity in the content creating, because the.
Speaker B:Maturity has gotten so much better.
Speaker A:Right. I'm saying, like, inequality, the Cure rating, there's other elements besides our immaturity. And we decided to reach out. We wrote down topics and people that we'd like to have that were experts in certain areas, and one of them that was put on the list was corey.
Speaker B:Yes.
Speaker A:Right. cory mcelroy. And we find that his aquarium co op was a fantastic bit of knowledge on YouTube. There's many episodes on there where it's absolutely the best content in that subject.
Speaker B:Lots of cool stuff.
Speaker A:He does a great job. And we reached out to him early out in the podcast and contacted the store, talked to some of his people, and we knew that he was getting the messages, right?
Speaker B:Yes.
Speaker A:Not only they're just not just blowing us off saying, oh, well, we'll let them know there was comments made on some of his live streams that there was a podcast reaching out to him and whatnot. So we waited. Then we got an official answer. I messaged him on his livestream, said, hey, come on the podcast. He says, you know, I'm booked out for like eleven months, and I wholeheartedly believe that he absolutely needs to book out. He's got his store to manage, he's got his content to curate.
Speaker B:He's a busy guy, products to deal.
Speaker A:I totally believe he's two years booked out. Right. He said, once you get some episodes under your belt, contact me back and we'll see where we're at. That's a wonderful answer, especially early in the podcast. We didn't even expect him to answer us back, so we were taken back. Class act. Message us that, and we just took that as is. Then our fans got involved.
Speaker B:They were angry, right?
Speaker A:Our fans got involved and they started harassing him on his livestream. We have very dedicated fans and we love you, but you are a double edged sword, all right? I've held this story for over two years. You are a double edged sword in many things, and we've had to carefully select the things that we've incorporated in our podcast because we've learned on how good and evil you can be. At the same time, our gaggle of die hard fans started popping in on the live stream. Hey, you got to come see these guys. You got to come on their podcast and started harassing him. So by the time we reached out to him again, he's been getting hits on his live stream. We did not tell them to do this. You did this on your own fluorition. So thanks so much for that. Then when we reach out to him again, message him. And now we're in the episodes under the belt. For those that don't know, podcasts was it 75% of all podcasts never make it to episode eight.
Speaker B:Really?
Speaker A:Never make it to episode eight. Same with YouTube. The people that start making channels, I forget the metric because I'm not a youtuber. I don't know the metric. I just know that people don't succeed trying to do content creation.
Speaker B:Yeah, I bet against this.
Speaker A:I didn't think we'd still have absolutely not. So that's the metric for podcasts. 75% of podcasts don't make it the 8th episode. So we're in our 20s episode now, like, hey, maybe he'll take us a little more seriously. So we reach out one more time, we put a super chat into his livestream and by this time he's been harassed by our fans on top of it and said, hey, thanks for the invitation. This livestream was so long ago.
Speaker B:It was very nice.
Speaker A:It wasn't bad. He was saying, hey, I checked out the podcast. Your content is definitely not family friendly. I have obligations to do. I have a family friendly channel. I just can't come on here. Yeah, you can't come on your stream. And that's where we left it. We did not reach back out again and that's a fair answer. We understand that we're a brand risk.
Speaker B:Absolutely.
Speaker A:Tell you what's, on top of our brain, we understand the whole gamut, but you people have not let up.
Speaker B:Really? Are they still bothering?
Speaker A:They love I don't think they're bothering him anymore, but again, I purposely stay away from those live streams. He does a great job, but now I have to stay away from those live streams because of all the shit that they've made. And I've seen him before. He was sick on one of the episodes and he was sick of people messaging. So then he I don't know if it was us, but for a time there, for like a good almost year, he stopped allowing super chats to happen on his on his live stream, maybe because of us and other people. And he only let him only let people that were subscribed to his channel do super chats for a while and then he brought it back up. Yeah, we had a lot of people sadly harassed the Aquarium co op to try to get him on the podcast because you guys were fans of both or fans of us. Thank you for what you tried to do, but it definitely put a bad flavor in the mouth. We know that certainly affected communication. I haven't reached out since then and just want to put out there that we love you as fans, but act like it's your channel next time you're going to. Don't act like us harass some people.
Speaker B:Yeah, no, we totally respect that. We are a brand risk. We are not into this. This is not our job. We're not into this to make money. We're not into this to make fans. We're just in it to entertain ourselves.
Speaker A:Which we do on occasion and not just entertain ourselves. That's unfair to share unexposed knowledge that we feel hidden or not given the correct limelight in the hobby. And we've definitely done that. We've done some taboo topics, we spoke our minds and it's a lot of fun for us sharing that knowledge and having you guys be entertained along the way.
Speaker B:Yeah. So we totally respect corey and that we are brand risk. It's not a big deal. So everybody just freaking relax.
Speaker A:So don't you dare. After this, if you go into his livestream, I don't want to see you over here, right? Go to the live stream, hack that man. Leave him alone and enjoy his thoroughly curated, excellent content.
Speaker B:Excellent.
Speaker A:Is that it? Is that's the list?
Speaker B:I think that's it.
Speaker A:Well, don't forget.
Speaker B:So check out cory on YouTube.
Speaker A:The best place that you can go is, of course, our merch store.
Speaker B:Our merch? Yes.
Speaker A:Helps support the podcast.
Speaker B:Exactly. We're not here to make money. We're here to pay the damn bills.
Speaker A:Yeah, keep the hosting going. Maybe we can someday even pay for a little bit of ad spotlight on Facebook or something. There's a massive fish community still on Facebook.
Speaker B:Yeah, I see. One of our listeners asked us if we're going to aqua shella, and I.
Speaker A:Wish if I wasn't having a baby in less than two weeks, I would have been there. Like, I had it all planned. It would have been great.
Speaker B:And Joe has come back from aqua shella, and we need to get him on here, and let's talk to him about what happened to aqua shella.
Speaker C:Sounded like he beat out a bunch of pro aquascapers who? Or was he judging Joe? I thought he was judging.
Speaker B:I don't know. We got to get him on and find out.
Speaker C:Yeah, we'll need to have him. Come on.
Speaker A:Well, guys, if you like the podcast, you like what you hear, you want this to happen more often and you want to support us. merch Store. We have the discord. You can listen live. There's a donation link on the bottom. I'm pretty sure our patreon open by now. We'll find out and throw us a couple of bucks. Help keep the lights on and share it with a friend. That's by far the best way. If you just you have a favorite episode or a tidbit that you want to share out, share that stuff. We're on every platform but YouTube, because.
Speaker B:That'S people hate us on YouTube.
Speaker A:I mean, it's not hate us on YouTube. It's just a video platform. We're an audio podcast. Yeah, we're going to be doing some video stuff on discord. Maybe we can rel upload that. But we're on everything. spotify, itunes stitcher everything.
Speaker B:Because YouTube is for beautiful people, and podcasts one is me. That is true, Adam. You are man candy.
Speaker A:Speaking of which, we did have some ladies pop in asking if we could do a photo shoot and do that as a signed autograph for pictures of Adam.
Speaker B:What?
Speaker A:Yes.
Speaker B:Somebody wants adam's autograph.
Speaker A:No, somebody wants a picture of him looking good with his autograph.
Speaker B:Oh. There you go, Adam. You can sign a chocolate Thunder.
Speaker A:Chocolate Thunder.
Speaker C:It's that chocolate thunder.
Speaker A:All right, on that note, we leave you until the next episode. Thanks, guys, for listening to the podcast. Please go to your favorite place where podcasts are found, whether it be spotify, itunes, Stitcher, wherever they can be found, like subscribe. And make sure you get push notifications directly to your phone so you don't miss great content like this. I am your rob's host, olsen. Here my robs I am your rob's host, olson.
Speaker B:You know, when you say I'm your rob's host, olson, when you say host, it sounds like you've got parasites or something.
Speaker C:You can literally turn somebody into a zombie with it.
Speaker A:Wow. We left and got back and we got it back at zombies.
Episode Notes
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